Lord Ganesh Contemplations I

1. Sri Baala Ganapati
Colour: Crimson

I salute Lord Baala Ganapati adorned with a garland of tender flowers, having plaintain, mango, jack fruit, sugarcane and sweets in His hands and who is effulgent like the rising sun.

2. Sri Taruna Ganapati
Colour: Crimson

May the young Lord Ganapati, who is carrying in His hands the noose, hook, rice-cake, guava fruit, rose, apple, own broken tusk, bunch of corn ears and sugarcane and who vividly shines forth with His brilliant youthfulness, bless you all.

3. Sri Bhakta Ganapati
Colour: White

I worship Bhakta Ganapati, who is the Lord of His devotees and who shines like the autumn moon, with coconut, mango, plintain, jaggery and sweets in his hands.

4. Sri Veera Ganapati
Colour: Crimson

I always meditate on the Veera Ganapati who is armed with Bhetala, the weapon of wpower, arrow, bow, wheel, sword, club, hammer, mace, hook, nagapasha (serpent noose), spear, plough and the shining axe.

5. Sri Shakti Ganapati

Colour: Vermilion

I meditate on Lord Shati Ganapati the destroyer of fear, who is embracing tightly the green complexed Devi and whose complexion resembles that of the setting sun and who is holding noose and rod in His hands.

6. Sri Dwija Ganapati
Colour: White

Blessed is he who remembers Thee, O Dwija Ganapati, One having the book, rosary, staff and Kamandalu (water bowl) in Thy hands and endowed ith the colour of the moon and with the diginity of elephant face.

7. Sri Siddhi Ganapati
Colour: Golden

Salutations to Thee O golden complxed Siddhi Ganapat. Thou endowed with ealth and prosperity and adorning a ripe mango, bunch of flowers, sugarcane, sesame seeds, sweets and axe in Thy hands.

8. Sri Ucchishta Ganapati
Colour: Blue

May the dark complexioned Ucchishta Ganapati, having a dark blue lotus, pomegranate fruit, veena, corn ears and rosary in His hands protect me.

9. Sri Vighna Ganapati
Colour: Golden

He, who adorns conch, sugarcane, flowers, dagger, rope, wheel, tusk, hook, bunch of tender leaves and Darbha grass in His hands and who shines gloriously ith the splendour of ornaments that Vighneswara, the essence of all Lights isever victorious.

10. Sri Kshipra Ganapati
Colour: Crimson

I meditate on the effulgent Kshipra Ganapati, with tusk wish yielding creeper, noose, pot of jewels and hook and glowing brilliantly like the red bandhhooka flower.

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