Meditation Carpets of Different Floorings

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1. OM. Scholars of brahman say: What is the cause?brahman? From what were we born? By what do we live? And on what are we based? Ruled by what do we follow our course In joys and their opposite, you knowers of brahman? 2. Should we conceive of it as time, own nature, fate, or…
The two stories in this Amar Chitra Katha are adapted from Anwar-i-Suhaili, a Persian version of the Panchatantra, written by Hussain Ali Waiz. Born in the kingdom of Khurasan at the time of Sultan Hussain Mirza (1469 ? 1506 A.D.), Waiz took the liberty of changing the names of characters, to give them a local…
Stotram – I Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: Anadimadhayantamnant veeryamnantbahuam shashi suraynataram. Pashyami tavam deepthutashavktram, savtaejasa vishvmeedam tapantam. Hindi Meaning: Engligh Meaning: I see Thee without beginning, middle or end, infinite in power, of manifold arms; the sun and the moon are Thine eyes, the burning fire Thy mouth; heating the whole universe with Thy radiance….
Silk Pashmina Shawl Dream Blue Size Composition Price Add To Your Cart 80″ x 28″ 70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk US$ 27.50 Buy Now! > Please Note: The actual fabric colors may vary due to differences in monitor color depth and make. The colors shown are as close as possible to the actual colors…
Divya Jyoti The chief function of ritualism is determined by the symbolism. Most of our religious rites, like the aarti we perform are intended for visualizing belief. This album is beautiful collection of aartis, by accomplished artists like Sadhana Sargam, Sanjeev Abhyankar & Ravindra Sathe. Click to Hear Buy Now! CD: $5.50
Pitru Dosh Nivaran Stotra In the ancient Vedic scriptures of India assert that every generation in indebted to their ancestors. These scriptures define ancestors as not only members of our own family lineage, but also teachers, mentors, role models, friends, who have contributed to our welfare in this or previous lives. This album is an…