About Us
begin firstly by welcoming you heartily at
Let us start by presenting ourselves as an organization that believes
in preserving human values which are fast eroding with ?web speed?. And
therefore, importantly this is our humble attempt to build links between
people, so as to thrive on their relationships. Firstly, we feel that if
a company wants to be recognized, its size is not the only criteria. It
is most necessary for the company to say what it stands for and then proceed
towards its goal. Secondly, the methodology in approaching technology and
to derive the most out of it so as to be foremost in today’s new age communications.
Thirdly, and perhaps the most critical aspect is the quality of our products.
Quality, in a nutshell states all the facets of an organization, not only
in its endurance but also in achieving its objectives in terms of innovative
growth. We expect your support in our endeavor and summarize the germination
of the idea behind in our slogan —–?Realm of Divinity.?
Regd. Office :
20, Crush Hall, World Trade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai – 400 005
Tel. : +91-022-2218 3284 / 2218 8851