Home Page Of Parvati

Rivaling Lashmi in popularity in the Hindu tradition is the goddess Parvati. Unlike Lashmi, Parvati has hardly any independent history of her own. Her identity and nature and nearly all her mythological deeds are defined or acted out vis-a-vis her consort/husband, the I great ascetic god Shiva. Since epic times, when Parvati first appeared as…

Text & Images of Kali

The goddess Kali is almost always described as having a terrible, frightening appearance. She is always black or dark, is usually naked, and has long, disheveled hair. She is adorned with severed arms as a girdle, freshly cut heads as a necklace, children’s corpses as earrings, and serpents as bracelets. She has long, sharp fangs,…

Spiritual Practices

This section answers some of the common questions pertaining to the spiritual practices followed since ages like :  Why do we light a lamp? Answer  Why do we have a prayer room? Answer  Why do we do namaste? Answer  Why do we prostrate before parents & elders? Answer Why do we wear marks on the…