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Shivananda Lahari the spiritual transmission of thought waves towards the All Powerful Almighty Shiva to please Him and derive the benefits of His auspicious powers. It is one of the best devotional lyrics of Adi Sankara. It is full of figurative expressions with lucid words and appreciated by many men of wisdom. Track Listing: Guru…
Bhagavad Gita – Chapter One: Observing the Armies on the Battlefield Of Kurukshetra Text 37 – 38 Sanskrit working: English Wording: yady apy ete na pasyanti lobhopahata-cetasah kula-ksaya-krtam dosam mitra-drohe ca patakam. katham na jneyam asmabhih papad asman nivartitum kula-ksaya-krtam dosam prapasyadbhir janardana. English Translation: O Janardana, although these men, their hearts overtaken by greed,…
There is a spot from which one can at once see the waters of three seas. That is Kanya Kumari or Cape Comorin – the ‘Lands’ End’ of India. There you can see the sun rise over the Bay of Bengal and set over the Arabian Sea. If you keep the Bay of Bengal to…
Choose the flooring: Plain Carpet Marble Wooden Meditation Rug Details Buy Now! $125.00 Name: Ivory Tabrez Composition: 100% Pure Merino (New Zealand) Wool Dyes: Chrome, Fast Colors (no bleeding & no fading) Size: 3’x2′ (2.75 meters x 1.80 meters) Number of Knots: 324 Per Sq. Inch Description: Hand-made hand-knotted pure Merino ( New Zealand) wool…