Agastyargha Fast
Brahma Said:-
Now I shall describe the mode of practising the
Agastyargha-Vratam. The vow should be celebrated
on the three days immediately before the sun passes
into the sign of Virgo. 0 thou holy sage, an image
of Agastya, should be made of Kasha flowers, and
worshipped inside a water-pitcher. The Argha offer-
ing should be duly made to it and the votary shall
pass the night in vigil and divine contemplation.
shall fast that day and worship the image with the
offerings of curd, sesamum, fruits and flowers and
formally dedicate the vessel containing the Argha
offering to the god. The vessel should be tinged
with five colours (containing rice powders of five
colours) and filled with bits of gold and silver and
the seven kinds of cereals, technically known as the
Saptadhanyam, besmeared with curd and sandal paste.
The Argham should be finally offered by reciting
the Mantra which reads as follows:?”I make obei-
sance to thee, 0 Agastya, who art the offspring a
Mitra and Varuna, and hence retain in thy self the
principles of ether and water. I make obeisance to
thee, (0 Agastya,) who art hoary as the Kasha flower
and wast born in a pitcher.”
Even women and Shudras are admitted to the privilege
of practising the vow as above described. The votary shall forego all fruits, rice meals, and vegetable
juices during the observance of the vow, which should
be closed by feasting and making gifts of water-
pitchers with bits of gold to the Brahmanas. The successive observance of the vow for seven years is rewarded with the realization of one?s all wished for ends.