Now I shall deal with the mode of practising the
Rambha-Tritiya-Vratam which brings good luck, and
opulence to the votary and blesses him with the pleasures
of fatherhood, etc. The votary shall fast on the third
day of the moon’s increase in the month of Margas’ira,
procure water and the blades of the sacred Kusha
grass, and worship the goddess Gouri with offerings
of Vilva leaves and tooth-brushes made of Kadmava
twigs. In the month of Pousha he shall take nothing
but camphor on the day of the Vratam and worship
the goddess Girisuta (the mountain-daughter) with
the offering of Kuruvaka flowers, Krisharas and tooth-
brushes of Mallika twigs. In the month of Magha,
the votary shall live on a butter regimen on the day
of the penance and worship the goddess Subhadra
with the offerings of Kalhara flowers, Mandas, and
imaginary tooth-brushes formed of the spirit of song
and harmony (Gitimayi).
In the month of Phalguna,
the votary shall take nothing but barley gruel after
the Puja on the day of the vow, and worship the
goddess Gomati with the offerings of S’askulis and
tooth-brushes of Kunda stems. The goddess Vis’alakshi
should be worshipped with the offerings of Madhavi
flowers and Krishras, and the votary shall take curd
after that and dedicate tooth-brushes of Tagara twigs
to the goddess. The S’rimukhi manifestation of the
deity should be worshipped with Karavikara flowers
in the month of Vais’aka, the votary eating nothing
but the polens of As’oka flowers and dedicating tooth-
brushes of As’oka twigs to her, therafter. The Narayani
manifestation of the goddess should be worshipped
in the month of Jaishtha with the offerings of treacle
(khanda) and lotus lilies; and the votary shall take
nothing but cloves after the Puja on the day.
goddess Madhavi should be worshipped with the offerings
of Vilva leaves in the month of A’shad’s. The god-
dess S’ri should be worshipped in the month of S’ravana
with the offerings of Kshirannam and tooth-brushes
of Audumvara twigs. The votary shall take nothing
but sesame seeds and offer tooth-brushes of Tagara
twigs, after that, to the goddess. The goddess Uttama
should be worshipped in the month of Bhadra with
the offerings of tooth-brushes of Mallika twigs. The
votary shall take nothing but S’ringada after the Puja
on the day. The goddess Rajaputri should be wor-
shipped in the month of AVvina with the offerings
of Java flowers; and the votary shall eat nothing,
but Jiraka on the night of the Vratam. The goddess
Padmaja should be worshipped in the month of Kart’ika
with the offerings of Jati flowers, fruits, viands, and
Krisharas and the votary shall take nothing but the
Panchagavyam, that day.
The Vratam should be thus
celebrated for a year and closed by feasting a Brahmana
pair and distributing confections made of clarified
butter to the Brahmanas. After that, Uma and Mahes’vara
should be worshipped with the usual ceremonial rites;
and gold, silver, confectionaries, clothes, and um-
brellas should be given to the Brahmanas, the night of the final celebration being spent in songs and revelry.