Trayodashi Vratas

Hindu Fasts: The Trayodashi Vratas

Said The God Of Fire:

Now I shall discourse on the process of performing the Trayodashi Vratas. First I shall narrate the
history of the Ananga Trayodashi. The Vrata was
first practised by the god of love, on the day of the
thirteenth phase of the moon’s increase, in the month
of Magha, by worshipping the god Hara. The Vrati
should take honey on the day of the observance,
worship the god Hara, and perform the essential Homa
ceremony, by casting libations of clarified butter mixed
with sessamum and sun-dried rice into the sacrificial

Thus by propitiating the god Yogeshvara with a
Homa, on such a Tithi in the month of Pousha, as
well as by worshipping the god Maheshvara in the
month of Magha after having eaten no other thing
than Mouktika, the penitent would ascend heaven
after death. Similarly a Vrati should take water sim-
ply and worship the god Kakola on such a Tithi in
the month of Phalguna, and live on camphor and
worship the god Maheshvara on a similar Tithi in
the month of Chaitra, whereby his fortune would
take a better turn.

Similarly, the penitent living on a
diet of Jati fruits simply, should worship the god
Maharupa, on such a Tithi in the month of Vaishaka,
while on a similar occasion, he should worship the
god Pradumnya in the month of Jaistha, by eating
cloves simply. Likewise the observer of the vow,
should worship the husband of the goddess Uma in
the month of Ashada, and live upon the washings of
sessamum orientate, on the day of observance, while
he should take nothing but perfumed water on a
similar occasion in the month of Shravana and worship the trident-bearing god (Shulapani).

Similarly the
Sadyojata manifestation of the god Mahadeva, should
be worshipped in the month of Bhadra, and the penitent
should propitiate his spiritual preceptor as well. Likewise
a Vrati should worship the lord of the celestials in
the month of Ashvina, and drink the washings of
gold on the day of its observance. The god Visheshvara
should be worshipped in the month of Karticka on a
similar Tithi, and the penitent should eat nothing
else than the plant known as the Madanaka, duly
cooked and prepared. The Shiva manifestation of
Shambhu, should be worshipped in the month of
Agrahayana or at the close of the rainy season, covered
over with the leaves of a mango tree. Clothes and
other wearing apparels should be offered to the god
on the occasion, and gifts of cows, beds, umbrellas,
pitchers, shoes and juicy and luscious edibles, should
made to the Brahmanas.

The Vrata, known as the Kamatroyodashi, should
be practised on the day of the thirteenth phase of
the moon’s increase in the month of Chaitra as follows. An image of the celestial elephant known as
Ashoka should be painted with red lead, and the
Vrati should worship the same at each night fall
throughout the year, whereby he would obtain all
his wished for objects in life.

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