Ganesh Mool Mantra
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We pray to you for our self-attainment
And for peace in our troubled lives.
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When man suffers for want of wealth he is mentally upset. He feels dejected. When no amount of hard work could give relief, the only way to secure wealth is the wink of luck from the eyes of Goddess of wealth and the blessings of the spiritual entities. Pray your best and leave the rest…
Bhagavad Gita – Chapter One: Observing the Armies on the Battlefield Of Kurukshetra Text 1 Sanskrit working: English Wording: dhrtarastra uvaca dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre samaveta yuyutsavah mamakah pandavas caiva kim akurvata sanjaya English Translation: Dhrtarashtra said: O Sanjaya! after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kurukshetra, desiring to…
Meenakshi Temple At Madurai Indra, the King of Heaven, was once challenged by a demon hero, Britta. On the banks of the Manasarovara in the Himalayas, a fierce battle was fought between the two and it continued for 100 years. Indra of course, finally killed the demon, but he did that more through a trick…
Bavari Jogan This album is dedicated to all seekers of truth. It will be a rendezvous with their memories for those who have walked on this path and an inspiration for those who wish to be on this path. This album introduces a new musical instrument that I have named “Shekanzen”. Inspiration for this intrument…
Devotional >> Divine Sets >> Easy Listening >> Gift Sets >> Ghazals >> Indian Classical >> Instrumental >> Mantras & Chants >> Meditation >> Music Therapy >> MP3 >> Vedic Mantras >>
Kadali or Kela which is botanically known as Musa sapientum {Musa paradisco) symbolically represents Lakshmi, Sakambhari, Vana Durga, etc. Banana leaves symbolise coolness and composure. On a higher philosophical plane this tree represents a combination of “Tatva Jnana” or eternal knowledge. It may be interesting to note that the trunk of the banana plant is…