Gayatri Mantra & Mrutyunjaya Mantra Audio Titles
Mantras are the mystical formulae discovery by our ancient scientists
(rishis) to invoke the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of
humans to enjoy a pirasant and peaseful stay on this earth. Amongst
oil the mantras the gayathri mantra, which is supposed to be the
discovery of the sage vishvamitra, is held high for its unfailing
efficacy. It summons the deity sovita, the prime-cause of this entire
cosmos, the nucleus of the sun and the energizer of the solar system.
The term ‘goyatri mantra” connotes the guaranteed protection to those
who think of it, pronounce it and meditate upon it. “We meditate
on the adorable effulgence of the lord of all creations, so that
it may energize our conciousness”.
This is the central verbal idea of the mantro. It is in essence,
a mystical formula couched in vedic goyatri metre with an order of
sound or tune, and its repetition has a primary and a greater value
than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing of the repetition
of this sacred mantra bestows good health, prosperity, success in
life, wisdom and the divine beatitude. Divine incarnations like rama,
krishna, the spiritual seers like vishvamitra, yajnavalkyo, – to
mention a few, and all those who wield the divine and yogic powers,
have downloaded the divine energy by reciting this mantra from the
infinite source gayatri, the mother principle, and attained the greatest
Mrtyunjaya is shiva as conqueror of the death. His mantra is “om
jum sah”, “sah jum om” – is its cyclic finish. The bi|o (the seed
syllable) is om. The shakti is jum. (Parashakthi), the lynchpin is
sah. The seer of this mantra is maha chama pada. The meditation and
recitation of this powerful mantra, removes diseases, destroys enemies,
bestows happiness, fulfills aspirations, gives success and saves
the life on the threshold of death.
This compact disc & audio cassette contains the divine vibration
of these mantras rendered in scientific tunes by the popular singer
sri unnikrishnon, guided by Dr. R. Thiagarojan, M.A..Ph.d head of
the postgraduate and research dept. Of sanskrit, presidency college,
chennoi. The famous music director dhina, scores the credit for musical
feat. wish all the listeners to derive prosperity and
the spiritual powers!
Track Listing:
- Om
- Bhoor
- Bhuvah
- Svah
- Tat
- Savithur
- Varenyam
- Bhargo
- Devasya
- Dheemahi
- Dhiyo
- Yo nah
- Prachodayaat