Sangeet Gayatri Audio Titles
The practice of meditation has occurred worldwide since ancient
times. The Hindus perfected the art of sacred chanting that dates
back at least 3000 years and is perhaps the world’s oldest continuous
vocal tradition. Of all the sacred mantras, there is none considered
more exalted than the Gayatri. A prayer for spiritual and meditative
stimulation, it is addressed to the divine life giver as supreme
God, symbolised in the sun.
The Gayatri is thus not only the symbol of light but light itself.
A mantra signifies the sacred formula or verse, the incantation of
which leads to spiritual liberation and enrichment of life.
Track Listing:
- Gayatri Mantra – Raag Bhatiyar
- Gayatri Mantra – Raag Parmeshwari
- Gayatri Mantra – Raag Bilawal
- Gayatri Mantra – Raag Gorakh Kalyan
- Gayatri Mantra – Raag Bhairavi