Lord Hanuman Poojan

- A square shaped table of short height, usually called Chauki.
- Red cloth to cover the chauki.
- Vermilion.
- Coloured farinaceous powder, which is applied by Hndus on one another?s
- face or/and forehead on certain ceremonies.
- Ghee (Butter oil).
- Clay lamp.
- Red Sandal.
- Pure and Clean Water.
- Sacred thread usually called Ydyopaweet.
- Odorous material (perfume).
- Unbroken rice.
- Betal.
- Flowers.
- Incense powder usually called Dhoop.
- Sweets prepared by gram flour (Naivaidya).
- Dry Fruits.
- Seasonal Fruits.
- Betal nut.
- Mixture of milk, curd, sugar, ghee and honey called Panchaamrit.
- Aasan (square shaped small mat, made of wool straw or hay on which one person may sit comfortably.)
- Coconut.
- Red powder made of turmeric and lime. Usually called Rollie.
- Aloe wood stick known as AGRA-BATTI.
- Incense powder? known as DHOOP-BATTI.
- Pot of clay (pitcher) known as KALASH, after it being installed as such,
- filled with water.
- Wreath (garland of flowers)
- Camphor.
- Sacred red and yellow threads used in Hindu ceremonies to tie it at wrist known as KALAAWAA.
- Cloves.
- Turmeric Powder.
- Soft green grass.
Taking soft green grass, unbroken rice, flower and pure water in hand the devotee should begin to recite the following verses in praise of Ganeshji, with a concentrated mind.

- Sumukhashchiaikadantashcha kapilo gajakarnak: I
- Lambodarashcha vikato Vighnanaasho vinaayak: II
- Dhoomrakeyturganaadyaksho Bhaalachandro gajaanan: I
- Dwaadwashayi: taani naamaani ya Patheychhu-nuyaadapi II
- Vidyaarambhey vivaahey cha Praveyshey nirgamey tathaa I
- Sangraamey sankatashchayiva Vighna tasya na jaayatey II
- Shuklaambaradharan Deyvan shashivarn chaturabhujam I
- Prasanna vadanan Dhyaayeytsarva vighnopashaantyey II

After Ganeysh contemplation, unbroken rice and water (in meagre quantity)
should be dropped in the feet of the deity.
Now the Pooja of God, Lord Hanuman is to be performed by reciting the
Swasti speech.
Hari : Aum swasti na Indro vridhashrawaa: swasti na: Pooshaa vishwaveydaa: I
Swasti nastaarakshyo arishtaneymi: swasti no vrihasapatirdadhaatu II1II
Aum paya: prithivvyaampaya: oshadheeshu payo divyantariksheypayodhaa: I
Payaswatee: p-apradisha: santu mahyam II2II
Aum Vishnoraraatamasi Vvishno shneyptreystho vvishno: I Syoorasi
vishnordhdhuvosi vvayisan vamasi vishnaveytwaa II3II
Aum Agniradayvataa vaato deyv-ataa sooryodeyvataa chandramaa deyvataa vasavo
deyvetaa Rudro deyvataa-adityaa deyvataa Maruto deyvataa vvishwey deyvataa
vrihasppatiraddeyveteyndro deyvataa Varuno deyvataa II4II
Aum dyau shaantirantariksha gwam shaanti: prithivee shaantiraap: I
Shaantiroshadhaya: shaanti: vanaspataya: shaantiravishweydeyvaa I
shaantirabrihma shaanti: sarua gwam shaanti: I shantireywey: shaanti: saamaa
shaantireydh II5II
Aum Vishwaani deyva sawitarduritaani paraasuva yadabhadra tanna aasuva II

After making Swasti-Speech, one should sprinkle some water on his head
three times, reciting the Purification Verse as follows:
- Aum a-pavitra: Pavitro vaa Sarvaavasthaam gato-apivaa.
- Ya: smareyta pundareekaasham Sa vaahyabhantar: shuchi.
Then he should take water in his right hand-pit, to sip it. This should
also be done three times. It is called Aachaman. After Aachaman, both hands
must be washed by clean water.

Then Bhoot Shudhi (Eradication of Evil spirits) should be done by reciting
the following verse?
- Aum apasarpantu tey bhootaa, Yey bhootaa bhuvi sansthitaa.
- Yey bhootaa vighna kartaarastey, Nashyantu shivaajyayaa.

After getting free from evil spirits the devotee should resolve as follows:
Hari: Aum tatasat I nama: parmaatmaney shree puraan purushottamaay shree
mad bhagavatey mahaapurushasya vishnoraajyayaa pravarta-maanasyaadyabrahmano
dwiteeya, praharaardhey shree shweytavaaraaha kalpey vayivaswata manvantarey
ashtaavinshatitamey kaliyugey kali pratham charney Jamboodweepey Bharata
khandey Bhaaratavarshey aaryaavartaantargata-deyshayika punya ksheytrey
shashthi samvatsaraanaa madhyey (1) naamni samvatsarey,
(2) ayaney, (3) ritou, (4) maasey, (5) pakshey, (6) tithou, (7) nakshtrey,
(8) yogey, (9) vaasarey, (10) raashisthitey Sooryey, Chandrey, Bhaumey,
Budhey, Gurou, Shukrey, Shanou, Raahou, Keytou evam gunavishishtaayaa
tithou, (11) gotrotpanna, (12) naamni (sharmaa, varmaa

Note : In the above noted resolution it should be kept in mind that in
place of numbers noted in between, the worshipper shall speak, names of: (1)
Hindu Samvatsar, (2) Ayan, (3) Season, (4) Month, (5) Fortnight
whether dark or bright, (6) Hindu date, (7) Constallation, (8) Yoga, (9)
Day, (10) Signs in which sun, moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn,
Dragon?s head and tail are moving at the movement, (11) family?s clan, (12)
worshipping person along with the sir name e.g. Sharma, Varma etc.
Invocation Verse
When devotee has taken resolution, he should recite the following verse
taking rice in his right hand for the invocation of Lord Hanuman.
- Aavaahyaami Shree Shambho, Sharvvatwam Girijaapatey.
- Prasannobhav Deyveysh, Namastubhyam hi Shankar.

After taking to resolve adoration in this way the devotee should recite the
following verses taking rice in his right hand.
- Manojavam Maarut tulya Veygam, Jiteyneryam Budhimataam Varishtham.
- Vaataatsajam Vaanaryooth Mukhyam. Shri Raamdootam. Sharan Prapadyey.
- Atulit baldhaam swaran Shailaabdeyhan. Danuj Van Krishaanu
- Hyaaani-hnaamagranyam Sakalgun Nidhaana Vaanaraanaamadheesh am Raghupati
- Vardootam Vaat-jaatam Namaami.
- Anjani: Garbh Sambhooto, Vaayuputro Mahaabal: Kumaaro Brahmchaaree cha
- Hanoomaan Mey Pratishithitaam

In continuation to this contemplation, the devotee should invoke Shri
Hanumanji by reciting:
- Aa vaahyaami Bhagwan, Vaayuputro Mahaabal:,
- Prasannobhava Deyueysh:, Namastubhyam kapeeshwar:.

When Hanumanji?s invocation is over he should be given throne by reciting
this verse.
Enthronement verse (aasan mantra)
- Vaayuputro Mahaabaaho Kaalaan tak Yamopamam,
- Aaasanaandivya Deyuesh Daasyeya A-h auntubhya Maaruti.

After this his feet wash should be done by reciting the following verse:
Feet wash verse (paadya manta)
- Divya Maalaambar Dheram Naarsingh Mahadhabootam
- Paadyam Grihaana maddattam Sarv-Kaamaarth Siddhi-dam.

Then the performance to give Arghya. (to flow water in respect and regard),
should be observed by reciting this Mantra.
Water-flow regard verse (arghya mantra)
- Kumaaro Brahmchaaree va Raamdooto Vichakshan:,
- Arghyan grihaana Deyuesh, Bhaktaananbhaya Naashak:.

After paying water flow regard, palm pit water should be offered to sip it,
reciting this verse.
Palm-pit water offering verse (aachaman mantra)
- Anjani: garbh sambhooto, Vaayuputro Mahaabala:,
- Grihaanaachamaneeyan cha, Pavitrodak Kalpitam.

When palm pit water is offered, the worshipper should be requested to take
bath, and water for bath should be offered by the following verse.
Bath-water verse (snaana mantra)
- Gangaa, Godaawaree, Reywaa Saryoo, Yamunaa. Tathaa.
- Saraswatyaadi Teerthaani, Snaanaarth pratigriehyataam

After giving bath water to take bath clothes are to be offered to put on by
the following verse:
Clothes offering mantra (vastra mantra)
- Vastraani pattkoolaani, Vichitraani Navaani cha.
- Mayaaneetaani Deyuesh, prasanno bhav Maaruti.

When clothes are offered, the yayopa veet (the sacred thread) is to be
submitted to put on. The submission should be made by this mantra.
Sacred thread mantra (Yajyopaweet mantra)
- Sauvarna raajatan Taamran, Kaarpaasasya tath aiva cha.
- Yavyobaweetammyaa, Dattan Preetyarth Pratigrihyataam.

Then perfumes are to be offered by recitation to the following verse.
Perfumes offering verse (gandha mantra)
- Sarveyshwar Jagadvanha, Divyaasan Samasthitan.
- Gandhan grihaan Deyvesh, Chandan Pratigrihyataam.

This performance is to be followed by offering unbroken rice. For this rice should be offered by this mantra.
Rice offering verse (akshat mantra)
- Akshataanshach surshreyshtha, Shubhradhoonaakshcha nirmalaa.
- Mayaaniveyditaaa Bhaktyaa, Grihaan Kapisattam:.

When Akshata have been offered then come the flowers to be submitted which
are presented by the following verse recitation:
Flowers offering verse (pushpa mantra)
- Mallikaadi sugandheeni, Maallityaadeen Vai Prabho.
- Mayaa-a-hritaani poojarth, Pushpaani Pratigrihyataam.

Then incense is to be offered by reciting the following Verse:
Incense offering verse (dhoop mantra)
- Vanaspati sod-bhooto Gandhaadhyo Gandh Uttam:,
- Aadhreyya: Sarv-deyvaanaa Dhoopo-a-yam Pratigrihyataam.

Ending this offer, Deepak (the lamp) is to be offered by reciting the
following verse:
Lamp offering verse (deepak mantra)
- Aajyam cha vartisanyuktan, Vahinaa Yogitan mayaa.
- Deepan grihaan deyvesh, Trailokya: Timiraapahaa.

Deep Offering is followed by Naivaidya (Sweets) Presentation. For this the
offer should be made by this mantra.
sweet offering verse (naivaidya mantra)
- A-poopaani ch pakwaani Mandkaavat kaani ch
- Paayas soop-mannach Naivaidyam pratigrihytaam.

After the sweets are offered, water for palm, pit-swallowing must be
presented by this verse:
Palm-pit water verse (aachaman mantra)
- Paaneeyan sheetalan, Gaangeyyan Mahaduttamam,
- Grihaan vaanaraadheeshan, Tavpreetyaa Prakalpitam.

The alone performance is to be followed by karodwartan, i.e. Hand Spelling.
For this hands are caused to be washed by the offering of water. This is
done by this verse.
Hand spelling verse (karodwartan mantra)
- Karpooraadeen Dravyaani, Sugandheen Maheyshwar.
- Grihaana Anjaniputro, Karodwartan Hetawey.

Then fruits are to be offered by reciting the following verse:
Fruits offering verse (phal-mantra)
- Kooshmaandan Maatuliganch, Naarikeylan Phalaani cha.
- Grihaan Raamdaaso-a-yan, Praseed: Vaanaraadhipam.

After this the Aarti is to be performed. It is called Neeranjan
(performance of making circulations before the diety by the lighted lamp
form left to right way) this should be done by this verse:
Lighted offering verse (neeranjan mantra)
- Agnirjyoti-Ravirjyoti Jyotineeraajano vibhu:
- Neeraj-yami Deyveyhsan Panchdeepan Kapeeshwar:.

After this Aarti song must be sung with music.
Concluding the Adoration by Handful offering of Flowers and salutation
- A-njani: garbh sambhooto Kapeendra Sachivottamam.
- Raampriya Namastubhyan Hanoomaan Raksh Sarvadaa. (1)
- Markateysh Mahotsaha: Sarv-shokan Vinaashana:
- Shatroona Sanhar Maan Raksha Priyadaayak mey Prabho (2)
- Aapdaam-piharttaaran daataaran Sarv-sampdaam
- Lokaabhiraaman Shree Raaman Bhooyobhooyo namaamyaham (3)
- Tapt-chaameekar-nibham Bheeshman Samvihitaanjalim
- Chalatkundal Deeptaasyan padmakashan Maarutian smareyt (4)
- Ullangdya Sindho Salilan Salolam Ya: Shok vahnihan Jankaatmjaay
- Aadaat tey naiv dadaah Lankaa Namaami tan praahjaliaanjneym
- Praanjaliaanjniyam (5)

Last rite to be observed is Pradakshnaa (the circular movement around the diety from left to right). When moving in this way the following verse
should be recited.
Circular movement verse (pradakshinaa mantra)
- Yaani kaani cha paapaani, Janmaantar kritaani cha
- Taani-taani Vinashyanti, pradakshinaa Padey padey

Here, one more contemplation verse is given. A devotee may cotemplate by
reciting this verse also.
Verse (mantra)
- Aanjney-yamati paatalyaananan, Kaanchanaadi kamaneeya Vigraham.
- Paarijaat Tarumool Vaasinan, Bhaava yaami pavamaan Nandanam.