Ram Beej Mantras
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
manu jai raceu milihi so baru sahaja sumdara samvaro
karunanidhanu sujana silu saneha janata ravaro II
yehi bhamti gauri asisa muni siya sahita hiyam harasi alim I
tulsi bhavanihi puji puni puni mudita mana mamdira calim II
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
The dark complexioned and naturally handsome prince, on whom you have set your heart, shall be your husband. The gracious and omniscient Lord knows your loving disposition and your love. Sita and all her companions were overjoyed to hear this blessing from Gauri?s lips. Worshipping Bhavani again and again, Sita, says Tulsidasa, returned to the palace, rejoicing in her heart.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
jani gauri anukula siyahiya harasu na jai kahi I
mamjula mamgala mula bama amga pharakana lage II
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
Finding Gauri favourably disposed towards her, Sita was more glad of heart than words can tell. Her left side began to throb, a sure omen of good fortune.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Udbhavsithiti Sanharkarinim Kaleshharineem, Sarvsharaskareem sitam Natoaham Ramvalbham.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
I bow down to Sita, the beloved of Rama, who creates, maintains and destroys this world, the remover of all afflictions and the grantor of all felicity.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Yanmaya Vashvarti vishwamkhilamBrahamadidevasura, Yat Sat Vadmrishave Bhati sakalam Rajoo yadhaahaibharama, Yatpadah Palvmaive Bhati hi Bhavambhodhaisitatti Shravtam, Vandeaham Tamsheshkaranparam Ramakhayamesham Harim.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
I bow to Lord Hari who is called Rama, who is beyond all cause, to whose Maya this whole world as also the gods Brahma and others are subjugated, and due to whose essence everything shines as real (though in reality false), even as an illusory snake in a rope, and whose feet are, as it were, the boat to those who aspire to cross the ocean of Samsara (relative existence).
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Prasantam Ya Na Gatabhishaket Satatha Na mamloo banvasdukhta, Mukhambujshree Raghunandan Sai mai, Sada aastu Sa Mujulmangalprada.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
Let the beauty of the lotus face of Rama, which did not get enhanced at the coronation, nor become faded at the hardships of an exile in the forest, be ever greatly propitious to me.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Neelambhuj shyamalkomlang Sita Samaropitvambhagam. Pano Mahasaikacharoochapam Namame Ramam Raghuvanshnatham.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
I bow down to Rama, the foremost amongst the Raghus, whose handsome body is of dark blue colour like the blue lotus, who has Sita seated on his left, who wields a beautiful bow and great arrows in his hands.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Moolam Dharmtarovivekjaldhae Poornedumannandam, Vaiaragayambuj bhaskaram tawaghharam Dhavanta Paham Tapham, Mohambhodharpunjhpatanvidhoo khe Sambhavam Shankaram, Vande Braham kul kalankshamanam shree Rambhoopam Priyam.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
I salute Rama the beloved King, who is the root of the tree of all Dharma, who is the full moon giving delight to the ocean of Viveka (discrimination), the sun for (causing to blossom) the lotus of Vairagya, the destroyer of sin, the dispeller of the darkness (of ignorance) and destroyer of pain, who in the act of destroying the masses of clouds, of delusion is like wind (born of Vyom or ether), who is propitious and who is death to the disgrace to the Brahmin family (Ravana).