Beej Mantras Of Shiva
English wording:
Madhu Safita Vacha Paramammaritam Nirmitvatsatv Brahman kim Vagpi Surgurovismaypadam Mum
Tavetaame vanim Gunkathanpunaine bhavta Punamietiarthaeasmin Purmathan Budhirvayavasita.
Tavetaame vanim Gunkathanpunaine bhavta Punamietiarthaeasmin Purmathan Budhirvayavasita.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Brahman ! Does the praise of even Brihaspati cause any wonderment to Thee who art the author of nectarlike sweet Vedas ? O Destroyer of Tripura, the thought that by praising Thy glories I shall purify my speech has prompted me to undertake this work.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Tavaeshvaryam yatyagadudarakshapralaykrit Trayeevastu Vayasatam Tisrishu Gunbhinansu Tanushu. Abhvayanamsamin varad Ramniyamramnim Vihanatum Vayakroshim Videlhat ehaeeke jaddhiya
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Giver of boons, in refutation of Thy Divinity which is described by the three Vedas, which creates, preserves, and destroys the world, and which is divided into three bodies according to the different qualities, some thick headed persons offer arguments, which are pleasing to the ignorant but (in reality) hateful.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Ajanmano Loka Kimvayavvanto api jatamdhishthataram kim Bhavvidhrirnadritya Bhavti. Aneesho Va Kuryad bhuvanjannai ka parikaram yato mandasatavam pratyamravar sanshairat emai.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Lord of gods, can the worlds be without origin though they have parts? Is the creation of the worlds (possible) without a creator? Who else but God can begin the creation of the worlds? Because they are fools, they raise doubt as regards Thy existence.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Traee samkhya, yoga, pushupatimatam Vaishnavmin Prabhinai, prasthane Parmidmadha Pathyamiti cha, Roochinam vaichitrayadrayokutilnanapathjusham, Nirnamako gamyasatyamsi Paysamarnav Ev.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
There are different paths (of realization) as enjoined by the three Vedas, Samkhya, Yoga, Pasupata doctrine, and Vaishnava Sastras. Persons following different paths straight or crooked?according as they consider that this path is best or that one is proper due to the difference in temperaments, reach Thee alone just as rivers enter the ocean.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Mahoksha Khatvangam Parshurjinam Bhasam Fanina, Kapalam chatiyatav varad tantropkarnam. Surasatam tamardhim dhadhti tu bhavadbhrupranihitam, Na hi Savatmaranam vishaymrigtrishana bhramyati.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Giver of boons, a great bull, a wooden club, an axe, a tiger-skin, ashes, a human skull and the like?these are Thy sole possessions though by the mere casting of eyes Thou gave to gods great treasures which they enjoy. Indeed, the mirage of sense-objects cannot delude one whose delight is in the Self.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Dharoovam Kashchit sarvam sakalamparastavdhoooravmidam paro Dhroyayadhroyae jagti gadti vayastvishae, samasteapatesamin purmadhan Tavarsamit ev, satuvan givihami tavam na khalo nanoo Dharishta mukhrata.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Destroyer of Pura, some say that the whole universe is eternal, while others say that all is transitory. Yet others maintain that all these are eternal and non-eternal?having different characteristics. Bewildered, as it were, by them I do not feel ashamed to praise Thee. Indeed this garrulity indicates my audacity.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Tavaeshvarayam yatnad yaduparee virinchihariradha, parichchatum yatavanalmanalsakandhavpusha tato Bhakti shradhabhargurugrinidbhayam Girish yat,savayam tasthe Tabhayam Tav kimnuvritirn falti.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Girisha, Brahma trying above and, Vishnu trying below failed to measure Thee who took the form of a pillar of fire. Afterwards when they praised Thee with great devotion and faith, Thou revealed Thyself to them of thy own accord, indicating whether Thy worship can go without bearing result.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Ayatnadasadhya Tribhuvanamvaarevayatikaram, Dashasayo yadbahoonbhrit Runkandooparvshane. Shirapadhayam Sharanirachitcharnambhoroohbale, sithirayasatavbhadkatesitripurhar visfoorijitamedam.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Destroyer of Tripura, that the ten-headed Ravana, after ridding the three worlds of any trace of enemies, remained with arms eager for (fresh) war is due to the fact of his having great devotion to Thee devotion which prompted him to offer his heads as lotuses to Thy feet.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Akandbrahmandkhshaychakitdevasurkripa vidhaysayaaaseed yastirnayan risham sanharitvata, Sa kalmasha kandhae tav Na kurmaute Na shrimaho, vikaroapi shaladhayo Bavanbhaybhangvayasnina.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
O Three-eyed One, it is not that the dark stain on the throat of Thee who drank poison as an act of favour to gods and demons at their being panicky at the threatened destruction of the universe all on a sudden, has not beautified Thee. Even deformity is admirable is one who is given to freeing the world of fear.
Sanskrit wording:
English wording:
Mahi Padaghatade Varajti sahsa sanshaypadam, padam vishnobharamyadbhujparighrugangrahgnam, muhoodharadhayo sadhayam yat yanibhritjatatadittata, Jagatrakhshayae Tavam natsi nano vamaave vibhuta.
Hindi meaning:
English meaning:
In order to save the world when Thou danced, the earth wondered at the striking of Thy feet, whether it would not come to a sudden end; so felt the spatial region along with the planets, oppressed by the movement of Thy iron-cube like arms; and the heaven became then miserable its side being struck by Thy waving matted hair. Ah, Thy very mihgtiness is the cause of trouble.