Music for Spa and Relaxation
Elevate, Nirvana, Higher state of
consciousness, Healing touch, Arise and inspire, Spa-la-la, Tranquility,
Reflection, Soulful and Composure.
CDSA 422
Elevate, Nirvana, Higher state of
consciousness, Healing touch, Arise and inspire, Spa-la-la, Tranquility,
Reflection, Soulful and Composure.
CDSA 422
Universal Prayers Spirituality is the cornerstone of every individual’s life. After a period of ageless in-depth understanding of our evolvement and thus recognizing the significance and place of spiritual succor in man’s life, our ancient sages, rishis and munis created special mantras and shlokas to facilitate this search for inward peace while dealing with the…
0ur- ancient system of Education was completely different from the modern one. Students in those days had their education in Ashramas. They used to sit and study under the trees or in huts. The teacher allowed them to study till he was completely satisfied with the knowledge gained by them. Only then did he allow…
108 Deity Names 9 Shrines Of Goddesses Aarties Bhagavad Gita Celebrations Chaalisas Devi Mahatmaya Downloads E-Greetings Epics Hindu Fasts Hindu Festivals Hindu Calendar Deities Pages Image Galleries Krishna Lila Temples Legends Mantras Navgrah Ramayan Ram-Gita Religions Of India Sacred Symbols Shani Mahatmaya Slide Show Spiritual Practises Stotrams Shudh Bhojan Tales Of Wisdom Upanishads Vishnu Sahasranaama…
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Lord Ganapati is a powerful and popular God. He is worshipped in Temples, shrines and in houses. His yaw is sought while making any auspidous beginning of any endeavour, He is called Vigneshvaro, the lord of and destroyer of obstacles. People mostly worship Him asking for iiddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi, intelligence. He is…
Months in the Hindu Calendar Month No. of Days Chaitra 30 Vaisakha 31 Jyaistha 31 Asadha 31 Sravana 31 Bhadrapada 31 Asvina 30 Karttika 30 Margasirsa 30 Pausa 30 Magha 30 Phalguna 30 Days in the Hindu Calendar Indian Calendar Western Calendar Raviãra Sunday (day of Sun) Somavãra Monday (day of Moon) Mañgalvã Tuesday (day…