Rare Vedic Chanting CDs
This Compact Disc contains the entire first Adhyayo with six sections colled brahmanos
comprising of 81 Mantras, and the second Adhyoyo, first Brahmona comprising of twenty Mantras.
The subject matter dealt within this portion follows –
- The world figuratively conceived as a Sacrificial horse.
- The creation of the world.
- The superiority of breath among the bodily functions; and the chant as breath.
- The creation of the manifold world from the Unitary soul.
- The three fold production of the world by Prajnpoti as food for himself-the three worlds and how to win them-breath the unfailing power in a person.
- The whole world a threefold appearance of the unitary immortal soul.
Adh.II Gorgyo and Ajata satru’s progessive definition of Brahma as the world source, entered in sleep.
These Mantras are recited by the eminent, President awardee Gonapaati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and
his disciples S.Srinivosa Sarma, and K.S.Manjunothan, being co-ordinoted by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, H.O.D. of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennoi and Mr.Manickovinayagam, the famous Music Director.
SA 003
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CD: $7.50
This Compact Disc contains Adhyaya V with 15 brahmanas comprising of 27 mantras and
the adhyaya VI with 5 Brahmanas comprising 73 Mantras and ends auspiciously with Ghanam “tvaamady”
- It deals with-the inexhaustible Brahma.
- The three cardinal virtues.
- Brahma as the heart.
- Brahma as the real.
- Explanation of the Real etymologically and cosmologically.
- The individual person monistically explained,
- Brahma as lightning.
- Symbolism of speech as cow.
- The Universal fire and the digestive fire.
- The course to Brahma after death.
- The supreme austerities.
- Brahma as food, life and renunciation.
- Life represented in the officiating priest and in the ruler.
- The mystical significance of the sacred Goyathri prayer.
- A dying persons prayer.
Adh VI
- The characteristic excellence of six bodily functions, and the value of the knowledge there of the contest of the bodily functions for superiority and the supremacy of breath.
- The course of the soul in its incarnations.
- Incantation and ceremony tor the attainment of a great wish.
- Incantations and ceremonies for procreation.
- The tradition of teachers in the line of Brahma in the Vajasaneyi school.
These mantras ore recited by the eminent, president awordee Ganapaati Brahmosri Parosurnmn Sastri
and his disciples S.Srinivasa Surma, K.S.Man|unathan, and D.Sankaran being co-ordinated by
Prof.R.Thiagarajan, H.O.D. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manickavinoyagam the
popular Music Director.
SA 004
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CD: $7.50
This Compact Disc containing the continuation of the second brohmano to the sixth
of Adhyaya II comprising of 46 Mantras, and runs upto the 16th Mantra of the 9th Brahmana of
Adhyaya III, thus comprising of 126 Mantras.
Adh. II – deals with
- The embodiment of breath in a person.
- The two forms of Brahma.
- The conversion of Yajnavalkya and Maitryi concerning the pantheistic soul.
- The co-relativity of all things cosmic and personal, and the absoluteness of the immanent soul-the honey doctrine taught in the Vedas.
- The teachers of this doctrine.
Adh. III – deals with
- Sacrificial worship and its rewards.
- The fettered soul, and its fate at death.
- The destination of the offeres of horse-sacrifice.
- The theoretical unknowability o( the immanent Brahma.
- Renunciation – the practical way of knowing Brahma.
- The regressus to Brahma, the ultimate world-ground.
- Wind the string holding the world together, the immortal immenont soul the inner controller.
- The ultimate warp of the world-the unqualified imperishable.
- Regressus of the numerous Gods to the unitary Brahma-eight different persons and their corresponding divinities.
These Mantras are recited by the eminent, President awardee Ganapoati Brahmasri Parasuramo Sastri
and his disciples S.Srinivasa Sarma, K.S.Man|unathan, and D.Sankaran being co-ordinated by
Prof.R.Thiogaraian H.O.D of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manickovinoyagam, the famous
Music Director.
SA 005
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CD: $7.50
This Compact Disc comprising into 200 Mantras, is the continuation from the 16th Mantra
of the 9th Brahmana of Adhyaya III and after concluding it continues Adhyayn IV and completes all the 6
Brohmonas in it.
Adh III (contd) it deals with 1. Five directions in space, their regent gads, and their bases-The soul, the person laught in the Upanishads-Man., a tree growing from Brahma.
Adh IV deals with –
- King Janaka instructed by Yajnavalkya,; six partial definitions of Brahma.
- The soul, the bodily and the Universal relations.
- The light of man is the soul-the various conditions of the soul-the state of dreaming-the soul in deep dreamless sleep-the soul at death.
- The soul of the unreleased and released, after death.
- The conversation of Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi regarding the pantheistic soul.
- The teachers of this doctrine.
These Mantras are recited by the eminent, president owardee Ganapaati Brohmosri Parasurama Sastri
and his disciples S.Srinivosa Sarma, K.S.Monjunathan and D.Shankaron being co-ordinated by
Prof.R.Thiagarajan, H.O.D of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennni and Mr.Manickovinoyogam, the
famous Music Director.
SA 006
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CD: $7.50