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Aura Of Positivity Aura is the energy field emitted by every human being that channelises the passing on of messages from the soul to the universe. An aura is most often visible only to those born with the skill to see it or those who develop this ability. A visible aura contains various colours depending…
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Music For Meditation This research has been carried out by Dr. T. Mythily, Ph.D, a research scholar, a clinical psychologist and Music Therapist. She is Director of Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital, Chennai. INDIA Track Listing: Surrender to Meditation Divinity in nature. A new start Relaz to realize Awakening inner consciousness Your body in your…
Vedic Mantras For Meditation & Mental Peace
Life is lovely only when it is coupled with Romance. Romance is the off spring of Love. There is in life no blessing like Romance, it soothes, hallows, elevates, subdues and brings down to earth its native heaven. Of all the earthly music that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a truly… : Shopping
Moon Magic Moon Magic is a fusion of Indian, Indonesian & African music in a laudable attempt to bring the world together through the medium of music. A symbolic endeavor to end the disparities and contradictions of this haplessly divided state of worldly affairs. Illustrious lists of artists join their hands to make this album… Lord Hanuman Poojan
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