Bhagavad-Gita As It Is
by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
This best selling edition of Bhagavad-Gita in the whole world has been translated into over 80 languages. Over 100 million copies have been sold.
This book is on the shelves of every major university and library and is used as a text book in numerous colleges in the West. Dozens of reputed scholars of Philosophy, religion, Indology, Sanskrit and psychology have heaped praise on this edition.
Why is this Bhagavad-Gita so much acclaimed? Because it really is Gita as it is. So many interpreters have presented their own ideas when commenting on the Gita but Srila Prabhupada, who is a pure devotee of Lord Krishna simplypresented Krishna’s words in the spirit that He, the Supreme Lord, spoke them.
- Chapter One: Observing the armies on the battlefiled of Kurukshtra
- Chapter Two: Contents of The Gita summerized
- Chapter Three: Karma Yoga
- Chapter Four: Transcendental Knowledge
- Chapter Five: Karma Yoga – Action in Krishna Consciousness
- Chapter Six: Dhyana Yoga
- Chapter Seven: Knowledge of the Absolute
- Chapter Eight: Attaining the Supreme
- Chapter Nine: The Most Confidential Knowledge
- Chapter Ten: The poulence of the Absolute
- Chapter Eleven: The Universal Form
- Chapter Twelve: Devotional Service
- Chapter Thirteen: Nature, the Enjoyer & Consciousness
- Chapter Fourteen: The Three Modes of Material Nature
- Chapter Fifteen: The Yoga of the Supreme Person
- Chapter Sixteen: The Divine and the Demoniac Natures
- Chapter Seventeen: The Divisions of Faith
- Chapter Eighteen: Conclusion – The Perfection of Renunciation
Binding: Hard Bound
Pages: 1047
Weight: 350 Gms.