Shawls Color Range
Bright Red
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Bright Red
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Kavacham Mantras For Protection The fear of the known rather than the unknown is often brushed aside by most of us in our daily lives. Our mind tends to create its own mech of insecurities and we strive to overpower the obstacles strewn across our path to achivement. Kavach, a special genre of remedial mantras…
Garuda: Lord Vishnu rides a bird which is half-man, half eagle called Garuda or Garutman. He represents the Vedas and, according to the Puranas, he is the son of rishi Kashyapa (vision) and Vinata (she, before whom knowledge bows), one of the daughters of Daksha (ritual skill). Vinata lost a wager to her co-wife Kadru….
Sankat Nibaro As the title itself suggests this wonderful and unique album is a rare compilation of traditional Vedic Mantras that promise to eradicate and eliminate all kinds of obstacles and worries one faces in a lifetime. Human life is seldom free from suffering, sorrow and obstacles; however to reach salvation overpowering all these is…
Ram Gita Text XXXXI Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: cidbimbasaksyatmadhiyam prasangata- stvekatra vasadanalaktalohavat anyonyamadhyasavasatprutiyate jadajadatvam ca cidatmacetasoh. English Meaning: Consciousness of the Self and the inertness of the intellect, due to their mutual proximity, get mutually superimposed, just as iron pieces glow in the fire. The product is the intelligent ego, a product of illusion. When…
Bow your head in honour of the Lord of the morning, who rises in glory in the east of the world. Pray to the destroyer of darkness to illuminate your day. Pray to the provider of peace to light up your life. We present to you a compilation of sacred morning chants to purify your…