Aitareya Upanishad

1. He thought, ‘Here are worlds and world-protectors. Let
me create food for them’

2. He heated up the waters. When they were heated
up a shape was produced from them. The shape that was
produced was food-

3. As soon as it had been created, it tried to escape behind
him, He tried to seize it with speech. He was not able to
seize it with speech. If he had seized it with speech, one
would now be able to enjoy food just by uttering it.

4. He tried to seize it with the breath (prana). He was not
able to seize it with the breath. If he had seized it with the
breath, one would now be able to enjoy food just by breathing
over it.

5. He tried to seize it with sight. He was not able to seize
it with sight. If he had seized it with sight, one would now
be able to enjoy food just by seeing it.

6. He tried to seize it with hearing. He was not able to
seize it with hearing. If he had seized it with hearing, one
would now be able to enjoy food just by hearing about it.

7. He tried to seize it with the skin. He was not able to
seize it with the skin. If he had seized it with the skin/ one
would now be able to enjoy food just by touching it.

8. He tried to seize it with the mind. He was not able to
seize it with the mind. If he had seized it with the mind,
one would now be able to enjoy food just by thinking about

9. He tried to seize it with the phallus. He was not able
to seize it with the phallus. If he had seized it with the
phallus, one would now be able to enjoy food just by ejaculating it.

10. He tried to seize it with the lower breath. He
got it. This is the seizer of food-air. Air (vayu) is the life
of food (annayu).

11. He thought, ‘How could this be without me?’ He
thought, ‘Which way shall I enter it?’ He thought, ‘If uttering
is done by speech, if breathing is done by the breath, if
seeing is done by the sight, if hearing is done by the hearing,
if touching is done by the skin, if thinking is done by the
mind, if down-breathing is done by the lower breath, if
ejaculating is done by the seed, then who am I?’

12. Opening up (vi-dr-) the parting, he entered by it as
a door. This is the door called the fontanelles (vidrti). It is
the bringer of joy. It has three states, three kinds of sleep:
this state, this state and this state.

13. Once he was born, he looked at the beings, thinking,
‘What here has desired to converse with another?’ He saw the person, very Brahman. He cried, ‘I have seen it’.

14. So he is called Idandra, Idandra is his name. though he is Idandra, fold call him Indra, mysteriously, because the gods seem to love the mysterious; the gods seem to love the mysterious.

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