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In this album Jagjit Singh reveres the adorable Lord of successful beginnings and the destroyer of all obstacles by singing in His glory. The first to be worshied at every occassion, Lord Ganesh epitomizes everything related to wisdom. Considered as a symbol of intelligence and a conveyor of good luck, He is believed to grant…
Chandogya Upanishad Book 3 Part 1
III.l 1. OM. The sun is the honey of the gods. The sky is its horizontal cane, middle-air its honeycomb, the rays its larvae. 2. Its eastward rays are the eastward honey-veins. The rc verses are the bees, the Rgveda the flower, the nectar of immortality the nectar. The rc verses 3. Heated up the…
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It improves blood circulation. It calms the mind and helps in meditation. It is important to remain quit during this asana. Method Cross the legs at the ankles. Place the heels below the thighs. Place the palms on the knees. Relax the elbows. The neck, head and the spine should be maintained straight. Reathe normally…. Shawls Color Range
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Ganeshanjali Audio CD Titles
Ganeshanjali He is the Lord of all he surveys… And it is a blessing in itself that his keen eyes watch over us all…! Lord Ganesh is the benevolent manifestation of Omkaar, the origin of all creation… That’s why, to invoke his endearing image is to ensure an auspicious beginning to all human endeavor and…