Sanskrit Wording:
English Wording:
- Rajovach II 26 II
- Yanirsato Bhavamlalubdhae putradaradibhirdhanae II 27 II
- taishoo kim bhavta sanahimnubhandhati maansam II 28 II
English Meaning:
IThe King said : ?Why is your mind affectionately attached to those convetous folk, your sons, wife and others, who have deprived you of your wealth ??
Verses 29 to 34
Sanskrit Wording:
English Wording:
- Vaishya Uvach II 29 II
- Avamaitdhayatha prah bhavansmbhadatm Vacha I Kim karomi na bhandhati mam nishthrutam mana II 30 II
- Yai Santayajay pitresanhem dhanlubhdhaenirakrita I Pati savjanhardhim cha harditaeshvave mae mana II 31 II
- Kimatenanabhijanami Jananaapi mahamate I Yatprempravanam chitam vigunashvapi bandhushu II 32 II
- Taisham Kritae mae nishvaso domarnasayam ch Jayate II 33 II
- Kromi kim yatan manataishavpreeteshu nishdhuram II 34 II
English Meaning:
The merchant said : ?This very thought has occured to me, just as you have uttered it. What can I do ? My mind does not become hard; it bears deep affection to those very persons who have driven me out in their greed for wealth, abandoning love for a father and attachment to one?s master and kinsmen. I do not comprehend although. I know it, O noble-hearted king, how it is that the mind is prone to love even towards worthless kinsmen. On account of them I have heavy sighs and feel dejected. What can I do since my mind does not become hard towards those unloving ones ?
Verses 35 To 38
Sanskrit Wording:
English Wording:
- Markandai Uvach II 35 II
- Tatastoo sahitoo vipre tam munim samupasthito II 36 II
- Samdhirnam vaishayoaso sa cha parthivsatama II 37 II
- Kritya tu tou Yathanayayam yatharham tane saveedam I Upvishtooe katha kashchitchakretu vaishyparthivooe II 38 II
English Meaning:
Markandeya said : Then O Brahmana, the merchant Samadhi and the noble king together approached the sage (Medhas); and after observing the etiquetee worthy of him and as was proper, they sat down and conversed (with him) on some topics.
Verses 38 To 45
Sanskrit Wording:
English Wording:
Rajovach II 39 II
- Bhagvamtavamaham prashtumichamaikam vadasav tat II 40 II
- Dukhaye yanmae mansa savchitayaetatam vina II 41 II
- Mamtavam gatrajayasaye rajayangaishavekhileshvapi I Jantoapi yathagayasai Kimatnmunisatam II 42 II
- Ayam cha nikrita putredarabharitayaetathogightah Savajinane cha santayakatstaishoo hardri tathapyati II 43 II
- Avamaish tathaham cha davavpaytayanatdookhitooe I Drishtdoashrapi vishaye mamtavakrishtmaansooe II 44 II
- Tatkaneaeetanmahabhag yanmohoe ganinorapi I Mamasaya cha bhavtaiaisha vivekandhayasay moodta II 45 II
English Meaning:
The King said : ?Sir, I wish to ask you one thing. Be pleased to reply to it. Without the control of my intellect, my mind is afflicted with sorrow. Though I have lost the kingdom, like an ignorant man?though I know it?I have an attachment to all the paraphernalia of my kingdom. How is this, O best of sages ? And this merchant has been disowned by his children, wife and servants, and forsaken by his own people; still he is inordinately affectionate towards them. Thus both he and I, drawn by attachment towards objects whose defects we do know, are exceedingly unhappy. How this happens, then, sir, that though we are aware of it, this delusion comes ? This delusion besets me as well as him, blinded as we are in respect of discrimination.?
Verses 46 To 49
Sanskrit Wording:
English Wording:
- Rishiurvach II 46 II
- Gannayamsati samtayasay Jantorvishaygochare Vishayashach mahabhag yaanti chaivam prithakprithak II 47 II
- Devanadha praaneena kaechidatravadhastathapare I Kaechitdava tatha ratro praneenatulaydrishtaya II 48 II
- Gayaneeno manuja satyam kintootae na hi kewalam I Yato hi gayanina sarvae pashupakhshimrigadaya II 49 II
English Meaning:
The Rsi said : Sir, every being has the knowledge of objects perceivable by the senses. An object of sense reaches it in various ways. Some beings are blind by day, and others are blind by night; some beings have equal sight both by day and night. Human beings are certainly endowed with knowledge, but they are not the only beings (to be so endowed) for cattle, birds, animals and other creatures also cognize (objects of senses).