Shawls Color Range
Soothing Sea
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Soothing Sea
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Salagram shilas, it is said, originated from the different parts of Vishnu’s body. They are also believed to represent Vishnu’s principal avtar. Salagrams are fossilised shells of some extinct species of molluscs now solidified into stone. Found especially in the bed of the Gandaki river, a tributary of the Ganga, according to an cadence recorded…
Hindu Fasts: 9th Phase Fasts Said The God Of Fire: Now I shall describe the process of performing the Vratas, which should be practised on days of the ninth phase’ of the moon’s wane or increase, and which grant enjoyment of creature-comforts in this life and salvation in the next. The Vrata, known as the…
Govind Jai Jai Gopal Jai Jai Chant the pious name of Shri Krishna – the omnipresent one, listen to this beautiful creation of spiritualism and bhakti combined together and reap the rich harvest of His splendour and attain eternal bliss. Click to Hear Buy Now! CD: $4.45
This is the story of a comman man who rose to great heights to achieve fame, success and glory and who is immortalized by his brave deeds and tremendous willpower. He rose above his circumstances, set his mind out to achieve something and didn?t let anything hold him back. Being the teacher of the Pandavas…
Arabian Nights (PC CDROM / VCD / DVD) Buy Now: $3.95 Languages: English / Hindi presents Arabian Nights stories that are a phenomenal world over since time immemorial. The curious audience will be fascinated by these interesting tales. These stories have been specially selected with a focus to young children as well as adults….
?Mrichchakatikam? by Shudraka, from which our story has been adapted, is counted as one among the classic Sanskrit plays. Yet it is unique in its plot and characterisation. The story tells of a king who is overthrown by a leader of the people. This assumes added significance in view of the fact that the author…