Durga Mahatmaya

Verses 75 To 77

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Tavyaitdadhayartae vishwam tavyaitat srijayate jagat I Tavyaitat paleyate Devi tavmatsayante cha sarvada II 75 II
  • Visrishto srishtiroopa tavam sithitiroopa cha palane I Tatha samhritiroopante jagtoaasayae Jaganmayae II 76 II
  • Mahavidya mahamaya mahamedha mahasmritih I Mahamoha cha bhavti mahadevi mahasuri II 77 II

English Meaning:

?By you this universe is borne, by you this world is created. By you it is protected. O Devi and you always consume it at the end. O you who are (always) of the form of the whole world, at the time of creation you are of the form of the creative force, at the time of sustentation you are of the form of the protective power, and at the time of the dissolution of the world, you are of the form of the destructive power. You are the supreme knowledge as well as the great nescience, the great intellect and contemplation, as also the great delusion, the great devi as also the great asuri.

Verses 78 to 81

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Prakritistavam cha sarvasayae guntriyavibhavini I Kalratrirmaharatremohratrishch daaroona II 78 II
  • Tavam shristavameeshvari tavam hristavam bhudhibordh lakshna I Laja pushtistatha tushtistavam shanti kshantirave cha II 79 II
  • Khangini shoolini ghora gadini chakreni tatha I Shankheni chapini banbhushundiparighayudha II 80 II
  • Somaya somyaitarasheshsomyaeebhayae stavati sundari I Parapranam parama tavmave parmeshvari II 81 II

English Meaning:

?You are the primordial cause of everything, bringing into force the three qualities. You are the dark night of periodic dissolution. You are the great night of final dissolution, and the terrible night of delusion. You are the goddess of good fortune, the ruler, modesty, intelligence characterized by knowledge, bashfulness, nourishment, contentment, tranquility and forbearance. Armed with sword, spear, club, discus, conch, bow, arrows, slings and iron mace, your are terrible (and at the same time) you are pleasing, yea more pleasing than all the pleasing things and exceedingly beautiful. You are indeed the supreme Isvari, beyond the high and low.

Verses 82 To 87

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Yanch kinchitkavchidvastu sadsdavakhilatimkae I tasaye sarvasaye ya shakti sa tavam kim satooysae maya II 82 II
  • Yaya tavaya jagatsarishta jagatpatati yo jagat I Soapi nidravansh neeta kastavam satoetoomihashavarah II 83 II
  • Vishnu shareergrhanmahmishan aiv cha I Karitasatae yatoatstavam ka satotum shaktiman bhavate II 84 II
  • Sa tavamitham prabhavaeh savaerudarerdevi samsatuta I mohyaetoa duradharshavasuroe madhukaitbhoo II 85 II
  • Prabhodham cha jagatswami neeyatamchyutoe laghu II 86 II
  • Bodhshch kriyatmsay hantumaetoe mahasuroo II 87 II

English Meaning:

?And whatever or wherever a thing exists, conscient (real) or non-conscient (ureal), whatever power all that possesses is yourself. O you who are the soul of everything, how can I extol you (more than this) ? By you, even he who creates, sustains and devours the world, is put to sleep. Who is here capable of extolling you ? Who is capable of praising you, who have made all of us?Visnu, myself and Siva?take our embodied forms ? O Devi, being lauded thus, bewitch these two unassailable asuras Madhu and Kaitabha with your superior powers. Let Visnu, the Master of the world, be quickly awakened from sleep and rouse up his nature to slay these two great asuras.

Verses 88 To 95

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Rishir Uvach II 88 II
  • Avam satuta tada Devi tamsi tatre vedhsa I Vishno Prabhodhnarthayae nihantum madhukaitbhoo II 89 II
  • Netrasaynasikabahurtridayabhayestathorasa I Nirgamyae darshanae tastatho brahamnoayakatjanmana II 90 II
  • Utsatho cha Jagatnathstaya muktoe janardana I Aaikarnayaehishynatatah sa dadrishae ch tooe II 91 II
  • Madhukaitbhoo duratmanavativeeryaeprakramoo I Krodhraktaekshanavatum brahamnam janitodhayamoo II 92 II
  • Samathayae tatastabhyam yuyudhae bhagvan hari I Panchvarshsahastrani bahuprhrano vibhu II 93 II
  • Tavpayatibalonmatoo mahamayavemohitoo II 94 II
  • Uakatvantoo varoasamato veryatamiti keshvam II 95 II

English Meaning:

The Rsi said : There, the Devi of delusion extolled thus by Brahma, the creator, in order to awaken Visnu for the destruction of Madhu and Kaitabha, drew herself out from His eyes, mouth, nostrils, arms, heart and breast, and appeared in the sight of Brahma of inscrutable birth. Janardana, Lord of the universe, quitted by her, rose up from His couch on the universal ocean, and saw those two evil (asuras), Madhu and Kaitabha, of exceeding heroism and power, with eyes red in anger, endeavouring to devour Brahma. Thereupon the all-pervading Bhagavan Visnu got up and fought with the asuras for five thousand years, using his own arms as weapons. And they, frenzied with their exceeding power, and deluded by Mahamaya exclaimed to Visnu, Ask a bon from us.

Verses 96 To 98

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Shri Bhagvanuvach II 96 II
  • Bhavetamadhyae mae tushtoo mam vadhyavubhavapi II 97 II
  • Kimnayane varenaatre aitavadhi vritam mam II 98 II

English Meaning:

Bhagavan (Vishnu) said : ?If you are satisfied with me, you must both be slained by me now. What need is there of any other boon here ? My choice is this much indeed.?

Verses 99 To 101

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Rishiruvach II 99 II
  • Vanchitabhayameeti tada sarvemapomayam jagat I Veelokyae tabhayam gadito bhagvan kamlekshna II 100 II
  • Aavam jahi na yatroveer salelane paripuluta II 101 II

English Meaning:

The Rishi said : Those tow (asuras), thus betwitched (by Mahamaya), gazing then at the entire world turned into water, told Bhagavan, the lotus-eyed One, ?Slay us at the spot where the earth is not flooded with water.

Verses 102 To 104

Sanskrit Wording:

English Wording:

  • Rishiruvach II 102 II
  • Tathetayuktava Bhagvata sankhchakregadabhreeta I kritva chakrane vaee chinae jhaghnae shirsitayoe II 103 II
  • Aavemesha samutpanna brahamna samstuta sayam I Prabhavmsaya devyasatu bhuya shrinuvadami tae II 104 II

English Meaning:

The Rsi said : Saying, ?Be it so?, Bhagavan (Visnu), the great wielder of conch, discus and mace, took them on His loins and there severed their heads with his discus. Thus she (Mahamaya) herself appeared when praised by Brahma. Now listen again the glory of this Devi. I tell you.

Here ends the first chapter called ?The slaying of Madhu and Kaitabha? of Devimahatmya in Markandeyapurana, during the period of Savarni, the Manu.

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