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Meditation Moods Buy Now! CD: $7.50
Prabhu Samarpan This album features some of the most popular and evergreen Bhajans in the melodious voice of master artist Sanjeev Abhyankar. Accompanied by imminent artistes like Rakesh Chaurasia on Flute & Niladri Kumar on Sitar, this album and composed by Ajay Joglekar sets the mood for devotion and transports you into a world of…
The power and glory of Lord Shiva prevades the cosmos and shines as consciousness in the hearts of all things. To appreciate the divine attributes of Lord Shiva and worship Him in the traditional manner is to attain victory in all endeavours and ultimately realise the true Lord in the heart. This CD comprising powerful…
Fourth in the ‘Healing MantrasÂ’ series which is Mantra Music therapy. Conscious mind is always busy instead of taking rest. These mantras help you to relax, bring you to a state very near to sleep and eventually induce deep sleep. It combines the power of healing mantras from ancient Indian scriptures and music therapy to…
OM. May my limbs, speech, breath, eye, ear, strength and all senses grow strong. Everything is the brahman of the Upanisads. May I not reject brahman. May brahman not reject me. May there be no rejecting. May there be no rejecting of me. May all the dharmas which are in the Upanisads be in me,…
Garuda is a mythical bird and has been held in great veneration in India from time immemorial. Many Indologists hold that this deity is of Dravidian origin. A stone flag-post, often ocovered with a metal plate, with an image of Garuda on top is invariably erected in front of the image of the deity in…