Customised Printed Greeting Cards

Nobody knows for certain when Sai Baba was born or who his parents were, or what his real name was. He arrived one day in 1872 at Shirdi in Maharashtra. He was dressed like a fakir (Muslim ascetic) and lived in a dilapidated mosque but spoke of a Hindu guru, whom he called Venkusa. He…
Ram Gita Text VI Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: srutvatha saumitrivaco ?khilam tada praha prapannartiharah prasannadhih vijnanamajnanatamahprasantaye srutiprapannam ksitipalabhusanah English Meaning: Then, having heard all that Laksmana had said, Sri Rama? the serene jewel of royal kings, who destroys all sorrows of those who surrender to him ? gave out to Laksmana, who was eager to…
I Sanskrit wording: English wording: Namo Namo Vindhyeshwari Namo Namo Jagdamba I Sant janon ke kaj men karati nahin vilamh II 1 II Hindi meaning: English meaning: I salute to Shree Vindhyeshwari to Shree Jagdamba (Mother of the World) who never delay in fulfilling noble person?s desires. II Sanskrit wording: English wording: Jai Jai Jai…
The empire of the Mughals founded in the early years of the sixteenth century began to break up in the later years of the seventeenth century. Two people who hastened its end were Shivaji and his Marathas in the Deccan and Guru Gobind Singh and the Sikhs in the north.Guru Gobind Singh?s short career was…
Silk Pashmina Shawl Pastel Green Size Composition Price Add To Your Cart 80″ x 28″ 70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk US$ 27.50 Buy Now! > Please Note: The actual fabric colors may vary due to differences in monitor color depth and make. The colors shown are as close as possible to the actual colors…
Besides the major incarnations, there have been many other occasions, when He had designed to be born to men of great austerity and tapas, one such incarnation is the Dattatreya form, which he assumed for the sake of Sage Atri. Worshipped as the Trinity aspect of the almighty, the Lord appeared in this particular form…