Mahalakshmi Audio Titles

Sri Mahalakshmi Mantropasana

Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi is the deity who bestows of mega luck, material prosperity, wealth and Divine wisdom to all Her devotees. She is the divine "shakti" variously manifesting as Mahalakshmi, Vidyalakshmi, Vaibhavalakshmi, Kuberlakshmi, Soubhagyalakshmi and so on depending on the appeal of the devotees through prayers to get their wishes fulfilled. She is the one who recommends Her devotees to Her Lord Narayana for their salvation.

The mystical formula in the form of Mantras discovered by our ancient Rishis to grace and favour of Mahalakshmi has the time tested efficiency. Any mantra gains impetus only when it is repeated several times with one-pointed devotion and concentration on the spell. But, a perfect diction alone can bring about the salutary effect of the Mantra.

The hearing of this audio title in meditative mood would fetch excellent benefits from the Goddess of fortune, Mahalakshmi.

Singer: Suchitra Krishnamoorthy

SA 094

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CD: $7.50

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