Vedic Mantras For Meditation & Mental Peace
Life is lovely only when it is coupled with Romance. Romance is
the off spring of Love. There is in life no blessing like Romance,
it soothes, hallows, elevates, subdues and brings down to earth its
native heaven. Of all the earthly music that which reaches farthest
into heaven is the beating of a truly loving heart. There is no earthly
happiness exceeding that of reciprocal satisfaction in the conjugal
state, says H.Giles, Mutual love, passion and attraction towards
men and maidens are not aberrations. On the other hand, this brings
together the like minded opposite sex, crazily waiting to avail the
happy heavenly sanction of union loving and actions which manifest
love, is a creative force that emanated from the creator of the world.
However, people without knowing this art, fail to maintain compatibility
with the spouse of their heart and end in divorce or dejection.
This Compact Disc is intended for those who like to attract the
person of their heart, be it a male or female and to accomplish their
deep passionate desires through the stimulating vibrations of sound
focused in ancient texts for the happy union of hearts. These vibrations
when absorbed with concentration and meditation stimulate in various
ways the senses of human body, and result in mutual attraction of
two different souls.
This Compact Disc of romance comprise of Kamadeva Gayatri and Vedic
Mantra for Concord, Kandarpa Mahima, Manmotho Prabhava (Kolidasa),
Prema Sandesa (Kalidosa), Kamakala Vilosa (Bhortrhani), Srngarollasam
(Kalidasa), Kamini Cintanam (Bilahana), Kama Lahari (Amaru), Surototsavam
(Kalidosa), Rati Manmotho Namavali and Kama Sammohana Mantras.
These are recited in the judicious tones with proper diction by
Dr.R.Thiagarojan, H.O.D of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai
along with his team, Tmt.A.K.Chandra, Tmt.Usha Vishwanath, Thiru.Bhaktavatsalam
and Thiru.Karpooram, under the guidance of the famous music director,
Thiru.V.R.Manikkavinayagam. wishes all the listeners to enjoy the music of
love to lead a “ROMANTIC LIFE”!
Track Listing:
- Kamadava Gayatri and Vedic Mantra for Concern
- Kandarpa Mahima
- Mammatha Prabhava (Kalidasa)
- Prema Sandasa (Kalidasa)
- Kamakala Vilasa (Bhartrhani)
- Sringarollasam (Kalidasa)
- Kamini Cintanam (Bilahana)
- Kama Lahari (Amaru)
- Suratotsavam (Kalidasa)
- Rati Manmatha Namavali
- Kama Sammohana Mantras
SA 091