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Audio Books of Ram, Shiva, Durga, Krishna, Hanuman and many other Hindu gods
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The story of Savitri and Satyavan appears in the Mahabharta. It is on of the many stories told by the sage Markandeya to the Pandavas during their exile. Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava is depressed by having to witness the trials and tribulations of their common wife Draupadi, whose devotion to her husbands only brought her…
Shravan Kumar
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Vedic Mantras For Meditation & Mental Peace
Proper planning, hard efforts, necessary qualification for an endeavor, Will Power and the logical intelligence and ability to work on the possibilities are the keys that open up a career leading to success. “Man is the creator of his own destiny” says Swami Vivekananda. Creating opportunity or grabbing the right opportunity is entirely in the…