Om Frames
The triumph of the little man over the mighty is a recurring theme in literature. Sometimes he does it with a sling and stone, but more often, like Tenali Raman, with nimble wit. He was a Telegu poet and the court jester of Krishnadeva Raya (1509-1529), the emperor of Vijayanagara. Tenali Raman was the Birbal…
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1. OM. Usan Vajasravasa once offered a sacrifice entailing the giving away of all his possessions. He had a son called Naciketas. 2. Though he was just a boy, when the gifts of cattle were being led away, faith entered him and he thought: 3. ‘They have drunk their water and eaten their grass, Have…
Agnihotra Shantipath Among all the methods and rituals prescribed by the ancient Vedas to achive tranquility, nothing perhaps is as relevant today as the Agnihotra Shantipath. The sheer sound of these chants has a purifying effect, not only on our individual dwelling places, but also the immediate neightbourhood and the entire environment. Click to Hear…
Chants & Mantras The ancient sages of India unlocked the secrets of eternal life for humanity. Their wisdom is embodied in the great mantras which they have given us. The greatest of these is the single syllable ?Om?, which is the first name of God. It is the primal vibration that emanated in the process…
Lord Krishna was a dynamic incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was an Avatar. An Avatar is one who is attuned to the supreme Consciousness from his very birth. Krishna’s incarnation brought about a profound and powerful influence upon Indian thought and life. There is no aspect of Indian life, culture and civilisation which does not…