Ram Gita: The complete story of Rama
brief summary of the very essence of all the Vedas.
Click Here to read the introduction.
Click Here to read the introduction.
Prana, the universal cosmic energy sets up great vortexes of psychic energy in certain parts of the nervous system, creating psychic Centres known as Chakras or wheels of psychic energy. We are energized through the energy pathways know as Nadis and energy vortices known as Charkras. These psychic pathways and vortices are located in our…
Track Information: Mahalaksmi Mantra Sri Suktam Bhagyasuktam Ayusyasukyam Sakala Devata Bija Mantras Camakam Kanakadhara Stotram Astalaksmi Stotram Asirvada CDSA 087
Ramayan the ballads A journey that became a legend. A man who became God. This is a story of Ram – Prince of Ayodhya. The hero of Ramayan, the first epic of India. Ramayan meaning ‘Ram’s Travels’ is a 4,000 year old Hindu epic story packed with romance and action – an essential part of…
The celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi comes to an end on Anant Chaturdashi when all the idols used for the community and private celebrations go for visarjan in the sea in Maharashtra or the nearest river or tank in the other towns of India. There is a procession of all the locality devotees as they take…
Music of the Mystics A truly path breaking attempt by two of the most renowned masters of Indian classical music – Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swami and Dr. L. Subramaniam who have given the music lovers of this world immense pleasure by jointly performing live in Switzerland and as a result is this unique album featuring…