Dev Darshan CD

Dev Darshan

The beautiful amalgamation of various Hindu Gods & Goddesses in one single album is a rarity and this amazing mosaic of mesmerizing mantras and stotras are simply superlative. Covering the entire gamut of mantras, chants and stotras dedicated to Ganesha, Devi Durga, Krishna, Shiva, Ram and finally Vishnu fill the atmosphere with radiance that pierces one?s heart and takes us to the glorious path of eternity and salvation. Moving voices of Bhajan maestros like Anup Jalota, Ashit & Hema Desai and Sanjeev Abhyankar are tuned to perfection and never before seen harmony of traditional Indian Music with Vedic prayers. Certainly this is a divine album that immerses the listeners with serenity, devotion and ever-lasting peace.

CD: $9.50
Cassette: $2.75

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