Music for Relaxation – Gaayathri [Veena]
CDSA 081
CDSA 081
Chaos pervaded all through India in the matter of religion and philosophy. Sect after sect, such as Charvakas, Lokayathikas, Kapalikas, Shaktas, Sankhyas, Buddhas and Madhyamikas sprang up. The number of religions rose as high as seventy-two. There was fight amongst sects. There was no peace anywhere. Chaos and confusion reigned supreme. There was superstition and…
Lord Saturn’s Stories Lord Saturn then said to King Vikrama, “0 Vikramadkya! I have not tormented you in the least. Torment is what I gave to my guru. Can you even compare your misery with his? I have also tortured the devas and the asuras and filled them with woe. If you will listen carefully…
Silk Pashmina Shawl Shifting Sand Size Composition Price Add To Your Cart 80″ x 28″ 70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk US$ 27.50 Buy Now! > Please Note: The actual fabric colors may vary due to differences in monitor color depth and make. The colors shown are as close as possible to the actual colors…
Mukut An exquisite cloth Mukut that can be used decoratively for any Deity and has a standard size that will fit on most of the Idols of your temple. The Mukut can be worn on the head of the Deity and can be tied with the help of long strings at the back of the…
Dattatreya was the eldest son of Anasooya. He was very humble, quiet and wise, as compared to other children. For a child, his behaviour was notably restrained. He always kept his eyes and ears open, for he learned many things from Nature. It was a common sight to see Dattatreya in the company of dogs,…
Moral Stories from Hitopadesha (PC CDROM / VCD / DVD) Buy Now: $4.95 Language: English Hitopadesha – A virtual gateway to the science of morality adorned the literary firmament. It was one of the most memorable gifts of Narayana Pandit – the court poet of King Dhawal Chandra of Bengal, who compiled it during the…