Neither Amsuman, not his son Dilipa after him, succeeded in their attempts to bring the sacred river to earth. The stupendous feat was achieved by the single-minded perseverance of Bhagiratha. That is the mythological take as told in Mahabharata and Ramayana. Mythology is not all fact, we know, but yet in its vast poetic exaggerations, one can always trace an outline of truth. The presence of the Rajasthan desert, in close proximity to the Indo-Gangetic plain makes is plausible that perhaps there was a time when there was no Ganga in India. It is not difficult then to visualise what agonies the people there must have suffered without the blessed water. If that had been so, then Bhagiratha?s task of bringing Ganga to earth was indeed a colossal one, and one that merits all that has been sung and said about in the epics.
Script : Lakshmi Seshadri
Illustrator :S.S. Havaldar
ISBN : 81-7508-209-7
Code: 515
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