Shawls Color Range
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: Trishoolchanderahitharae Mahavrishabh Vahini, Mahaeshvari Savroopane Narayani Namosutate. Hindi Wording: English Meaning: Prostrations unto Thee O Narayani, Who is of the form of Maheshwari, the Power of Lord Shiva, Who wears the crescent (on the crown) and the (eight) divine serpents, holds a trident and rides on the celestial bull. Sanskrit Wording:…
Chaos pervaded all through India in the matter of religion and philosophy. Sect after sect, such as Charvakas, Lokayathikas, Kapalikas, Shaktas, Sankhyas, Buddhas and Madhyamikas sprang up. The number of religions rose as high as seventy-two. There was fight amongst sects. There was no peace anywhere. Chaos and confusion reigned supreme. There was superstition and…
English wording: Aaratigaj badan vinaayak kee | Sur muni poojita gananaayak kee || Eikdant shashibhaal gajaanan | Vighna vinaashaan shubhguna kaanan Shivsut vandhya maan chaturaanan | Du:kh vinaashana sukhadaayak kee || Rid-dhi sid-dhi swaamee samarth ati || Vimal bud-dhi daataa suvimal mati || Agh-van-dahan, a-mal, a-vigatgat | Vidyaa Vinaya bibhava daayak kee || Pingalnayan vishaal…
Whatever the old poets and writers have written in the past, holds good even today. Kabir wrote, ” Guru is a washer-man, he disciplines a cloth, soap the creator, washed on the stone of knowledge, this gives out utmost light brightness”. This couplet of Kabir throws light on the relation of a guru (master) to…
Saraswati is considered the Goddess of learning and speeh. She is worshipped specially on the Saraswati pooja day all over world and the educational institutions celebrate Her for better knowledge, learning and spiritual progress. wish all the devotees to attain the fullest grace of the Goddess of learning. Track Listing: Sri Saraswati Gayatri Sri…