Shawls Color Range
Red Ochre
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Red Ochre
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80″ x 28″
70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk |
US$ 27.50
Lord Brahma is the first member of the Brahmanical triad, Vishnu being the second and Shiva, the third. Brahma is the god of creation and he is traditionally accepted as the Creator of the entire universe. An individual’s subtle body is constituted of his mind and intellect, that is, his entire thoughts. Man’s subtle body…
I Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: jal jal sri laksmi I kijai krpa apara II dijai dhana jana jani nija I lijai sarana mamjhara II Hindi Meaning: English Meaning: Glory, glory, all glory to you, O Laksmi ! May you be infinitely merciful to me and give me men and money, and, considering me as your…
Lord Shiva’s first son is described as the Supreme Leader (Vinayaka) or the Leader of the “Gana” (Ganapati) who attends upon and follows at all times Lord Shiva, or as the Lord of all obstacles (Vighneshwara). These names clearly show that He is the Master of all Circumstances and not even the divine forces can…
The More You Buy The Less You Pay! is extremely pleased to announce the launch of a new pricing structure wherein our solitary objective has been to establish a very simple procedure of more the purchases in multiple quantity, the less you have to pay. As a result there will be lower prices in…
Fourth in the ‘Healing MantrasÂ’ series which is Mantra Music therapy. Conscious mind is always busy instead of taking rest. These mantras help you to relax, bring you to a state very near to sleep and eventually induce deep sleep. It combines the power of healing mantras from ancient Indian scriptures and music therapy to…
Silk Pashmina Shawl Fawn Size Composition Price Add To Your Cart 80″ x 28″ 70% Pure Cashmere – 30% Silk US$ 27.50 Buy Now! > Please Note: The actual fabric colors may vary due to differences in monitor color depth and make. The colors shown are as close as possible to the actual colors of…