Asanas: Janu Sirsasana
- Janu means knee and sirsa means the head.
- The digestive organs are excercised and toned.
- Liver, spleen, kidneys and all other abdominal organs function well. Digestion improves.
- The nervous system and the brain are also cooled.
- It provides relief for people suffering from headache, migraine, high blood pressure & diabetics.
- Sit with legs extended forward.
- Bend the left leg at the knee, place the heel near the perineum allowing the left toe to touch the inner side of the right thigh.
- The right leg is streched and extended forwards. The left knee is extended outward in line with the thighjoint so that, the two legs make a fine obtuse angle.
- Hold the sole of the extended with the palms while keeping the lower side of firmly on the floor.
- Bend the torso forward enabling the head to touch the extended leg without curving the back or the chest and exhale.
- Remain for 30 seconds in this pose.
- Repeat with the other leg.