Kaali Aarti
prema sahita nita karum arti I mahakalika maiya ki II
ari dala darani mamgala bharani I dukhaharani sukhadaiya ki II
I perform Aarti with unfailing regularity and faith in adoration of the Great Mother Kali who tramples under foot everyone of her adversaries and tear his body to pieces, bestows blessings (upon her devotees), dispels distress, and brings happiness.
tuma hi agama bhava bharane vali, tuma hi jagata laya karane vali I
tuma hi kasta lakhi nija bhaktana para, akara turata sahaiya ki II
You are the elusive creatrix who populates the universe and destroys it at will. Observing your votaries in distress, you hasten to help them out.
tumhim prabala ho hari ki sakti, rudra bhava samkara ki bhakti I
tumhim janani patavara bani, ika sevaka sundara naiya ki II
You are the indomitable might of Hari, devotion of Rudra, Bhava or Samkara. You are, O Mother, the rudder pedal to steer the boat of your devotee, Sundaradasa.