Similar Posts Mahalaxmi Stotrams
Stotram I Sanskrit Wording English Wording Namasteastu Mahamayai Shreepeethae surpoojitae, Shankhchakregadahastae Mahalaxmi Namoastuee Tae. Hindi Meaning English Meaning O Mahamaya, abode of furtune, who art worshipped by the Devas, I salute Thee; O Mahalaxmi, wielder of conch, disc and mace, obeisance to Thee. Stotram II Sanskrit Wording English Wording Namastae Garudarudhae kolasurbhayankari, sarvepapehare Devi Mahalaxmi…
Music to Overcome Stress & Strain
BENEFITS OF MUSIC THERAPY: 1. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling. 2. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain. 3. Use of Music as a therapy helps search of an individual?s personal harmony. 4. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both…
Prasna Upanishad
1. Then Sauryayanin Gargya asked him, “Blessed one, what things in the person sleep? What things in it stay awake? Which god sees dreams? Whose happiness is it? And in what are all these established?’ 2. He told him, ‘Gargya, just as, when the sun sets, its rays all become one in its circle of…
Om Audio CD Title
Om In chapter 17 of Bhagwad Gita, one of the most sacred texts of Hindus, Lord Krishna has said that the word OM signifies the omnipresence of God. “Om Tat Shat” (From the beginning of the Universe); these three words are used to signify that the omnipresent God is OM and is said that the…
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