Shiva Stotrams
- Prata samarami Bhavbhitiharam suresham Gangdharam Varishabhvahanam ambikesham
- Khatangshool varda Bhai Hastameesham Sansarroggharamoshadham deeveetiyam
At dawn I contemplate on Shiva, the God of gods, the remover of the fear of transmigration, who holds the Gangã in his locks, and rides a bull, the Lord of Ambicã (the Divine Mother), the wielder of the club and spear (in two of his hands) and with the other two offering boon and protection and who is the one infalliblê remedy for the afflictions of relative existence (Samsãra).
- Prata Namami Geeresham Geerja Aardhdeham Sargsithiti Pralaya Karanam Aadidevam I
- Vishvesharam Vigit vishaw mana Abhiraman Sansarroggharamoshadham deeveetiyam II
At dawn I bow down to Shiva, half of whose body is made up by Durgã (the Divine Mother), the Primeval Lord who is the cause of the projection, maintenance and dissolution of this world, the Lord of the universe, the conqueror of the world who captivates the mind, and who is the one infallible remedy for the afflictions of relative existence (Samsãra).
- Pratabhajami Shivamakemanantamathanyam, Vedantvedamangham Purusham mahantim,
- Namadibhedrahitm Shadbhavshoonayam, Sansararoggharamoshadham deeveetiyam II
At dawn I worship Shiva, the One, Infinite, the Prime Cause taught only by Vedãnta, the Pure One, the Supreme Being, who is devoid of the differentiations of name, etc., as well as of the six modifications and who is the one infallible remedy for the afflictions of relative existence (Samsãra).
- Nagendraharai Trilochanai, Bhasamaangragai Mahaishvarai, Nityai Shudhai digambrai,
- Tasmai nakarai namah Shivai.
I bow down to Shiva, who is Na, the first letter of His mystic world-symbo (Mantra), who has the King of snakes for a garland, the Three-eyed One, with ashes for His cosmetics, the Great God, the Eternal, the Perfect One, who has the quarters of the world for His garments.
- Mandakini salil chandan charchitai Nandishwarpramthnath maheshwarai,
- Mandarpushapsupujitai, Tasmaee makarai Namah Shivai.
I bow down to Shiva, who is Ma, the second letter of his mystic word-symbol (Mnatra), who is anointed with the water of the river Mandãkini (Gangã) and sandal paste, the Lord of Nandi and of the goblins, the Great God, who is adorned with Mandãra and various other kinds fo flowers.
- Shivai Gaurivadnabjabal, surai Dakshaarthavnashkai,
- Shree neelkanthai Varishthavjai Tasmaee shikarai namha shivai.
I bow down to Shiva, who is Shi, the third letter of His mystic word-symbol (Mantra), who is the rising sun causing to blossom the lotus face of Gauri (the Divine Mother), the destroyer of Daksha?s sacrifice, the Blue-necked One, who has the bull for His ensign.
- Hey Chanderchud Madanatak shoolpane, Sathano Girish Girigesh mahesh shambhoo,
- Bhutash Bheetbhaisudan mamnatham, Sansardughagahanat Jagdish raksh.
O Lord of the universe who hast the moon for Thy diadem, slayer of Cupid, wielder of the trident, the Immovable One, who resideth in mount Kailãsa, the Lord of Girijã (the Divine Mother), the God of gods, the Auspicious One, the Lord of creatures, the destroyer of fear in the timid, protect me who am forlorn in the widerness of the miseries of this world (Samsãra).
- Hey Parvati Hirdey Vallabh chander mooley Bootadhip Pramath Nath Girish Jaap,
- Hey Vamdev Bhav Ruder Pinakpane Sansar dukh gahanat jagdish raksh.
O Thou Lord of Gauri?s heart with Thy head adorned with the moon, Lord of the creatures and the goblins, who mutteres Thy prayers in the mountains, O Vãmadeva, Bhava (creator), Rudra (who punisheth sinners), the wielder of the Pinãka bow. O Lord of the universe, protect me who am forlorn in the wilderness of the miseries of this world (Samsãra).
- Hey Neelkanth Varishbhdhavaj Panchvaktre lokesh Shesh valay Prathmesh Sharve, Hey Thurejate Pashupate Girijapate Ma Sansar dukh ghanat jagdish Raksh.
O Thou Blue-necked One, the Bull- Ensigned, the Five-faced One, the Lord of the spheres, adorned with the snake, the Lord of the goblins, the Auspicious One, O Thou with matted locks, the Lord of the creatures, and of Girijã (Divine Mother), O Thou Lord of the universe, protect me who am forlorn in the wilderness of the miseries of this world (Samsãra).
- Ganga tarangramneeyjatakalapamam, Gauri nirantarvibhushitvamhhagam, Narayanpriyamnangamdapharam, varanasipurpatim Bhaj vishwnatham.
Worship Vishwanatna, the Lord of Varanasi, whose locks look charming with the ripples of the Ganga; who is ever adorned on His left by Gauri (the Divine Mother), beloved of Narayana, the destroyer of Cupid?s pride.
- Vachamgocharmnekgunsavroopam, vageesh vishnu sursavit padhpeetham, Vamain vigrahvarain kalatrevantam Bhaj vishwnatham.
Worship Vishwanatha, the Lord of Varanasi, who is beyond speech, the repository of various attributes; whose feet are worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other gods, and who has His wife (Gauri) on his left.
- Bhootadhipam Bhoojagbhooshanbhooshitangam, vayagdhrajinambardharam jatilam Trinetram, Pashamkushabhaivarpradshoolpanim, varanasipurpatim Bhaj vishwanatham.
Worship Vishwanatha, the wielder of the trident, the Lord of Varanasi and of the demigods, adorned by a snake; who wears a tiger skin and has matted locks, the Three-eyed One, who has the noose and the goad in two of His hands and who with the other two offers boon and protection.
- Mahesham Suresham suraratinasham vibhu vishawnatham vibhutayaangbhusham, Veerupakshaminduvakrvevahnitrinatram, sadanand meeda prbhuam Panchvaktram.
I adore the Lord, who is ever blissful, who has five faces, the great God, the Lord of gods, the destroyer of the enemies of gods, the All-pervading One, the Lord of the universe, besmeared with ashes, of unusual eyes, whose three are the moon, the sun and the fire.
- Girisham Ganesham Gale Neelvarnam, Gavendradhiroodem Gunateetroopam, Bhavm Bhasavaram Bhasmana Bhushitangam Bhavani klatram Bhaje Panchvaktram.
I worship the Five-faced One, who has Bhavani (the Mother of the universe) for His wife, the Lord of the mountains, the Lord of the troop of demigods known as Ganas, with a blue spot on the throat, riding on a bull, whose nature is beyond qualities, the Prime Cause of things, the Resplendent One, whose body is adorned wtih ashes.
- Parmatamanakam jagatbeejamathayam Neereham Neerakaram Onkar Vedhayam, Yato Jayate Palyate yane vishvam Tameesham Bhaje Leeyate yatre vishvam
I adore the Lord, the Supreme Atman, the One, the primordial cause of the universe, the actionless, the formless, who is signified Om, form who the universe comes into being, by whom it is sustained, and into whom it dissolves.