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Hindu Fasts: Pratipad Fast Brahma Said:- Now I shall describe the mode of practising the Vratas, which should be performed on the days of the first phase of the moon, etc. A votary should take a single meal on the day of the first phase of the moon, and make the gift of a cow…
Navagraha Shanthi Mantras
Navagraha Shanthi Mantras People, at times, struggle in life despite their herd work and good deeds. The reason behind this, is said to be the unfavourable position of the planets permanently or transitorily in one’s own horoscope. Planets, no doubt, have the direct influence on the human beings according to the ancient astrophysicists like varohomihiro…. : Shopping – Healing Meditations
Healing Meditations Vol. I This album is rich in contributing to the healing process of mind ravaged by day to day stress & strain of modern life style which is more and more getting complex and synthetic. This offering by world renowned Dr. Gulrukh Bala, who is a holistic psychiatrist and conducts seminars at various…
Buy online Divine Kavachas Audio CD
Divine Kavachas Human being aspire for a Life of prosperity! But life is full of hurdles, in the form of negative thoughts influencing them from the enmical forces. Whatever may be the progress that one may attain, he has to maintain it shielding himself from evil eyes of jealous enemies. To facilitate shielding our ancestors…
Lakshmi Ganesh Audio Titles
Celebrate Diwali by invoking Goddess Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity and the harbinger of success Lord Ganesh, with these powerful mantras. This unique compilation features tracks such as Lakshmi Gayatri, Ganesh Stotra for Lakshmi Prapti and Shri Lakshmi Vinayak Mantra among others. These tracks rendered by some of the biggest singers in the country like…
This month we focus to the following asanas: Virasana Sukhasana Archives: Dandasana Baddhakonasana Padmasana Siddhasana