Powerful Vibrations of Lord Ganesha Classical Instrumental CD
Ganapati, the lord of good beginnings confers success, wealth and knowledge on devotees. Millions of devotees seek the elephant headed Lord’s grace before embarking on any endeavour and find their actions capped with victory. Ganapati is the greatest benefactor of humanity:
- Ganapati helps mortals and celestials to overcome all obstacles and attain victory.
- Ganapati confers wealth and other boons on devotees.
- Ganapati blesses the devotee with spiritual progress.
- Ganapati’s form represents the Omkara, the single most potent mantra of the Vedas.
This album that brims with potent intimations of Ganapati’s positive vibrations is sure to enliven your life and further your progress.
Track Listing:
- Vathapi Ganapatham
- Siddhi Vinayaga
- Gnana Vinayaka
- Siddhi Vinayagam
- Pahi Pahi Ganapati
- Mahaganapathe
- Vinayaga