: Shopping

Moon Magic

Moon Magic is a fusion of Indian, Indonesian & African music in a laudable

attempt to bring the world together through the medium of music. A symbolic

endeavor to end the disparities and contradictions of this haplessly divided

state of worldly affairs. Illustrious lists of artists join their hands to

make this album a resounding success. Pundit Hariprasad Chaurasia with his

bamboo flute, Ismet Ruchimat with harps from Java and Finland weave their

magic along with Agus Supriawan on Sudanese drums, Dodong Karinding and

Maracas, Kus with Gongsa and finally Django Mango with Tabla Derbuca and

African Drums.

The end product of this truly world fusion musical marriage is in one word –


Buy Now!

CD: $5.55

Cassette: $1.75

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