Vedic Mantras For Meditation & Mental Peace
Track Information:
- Gaaytri Mantra
- Pancasanti
- Ghosasanti
- Mahasanti
- Bhagavad Gita Chapter II
CDSA 086
Track Information:
CDSA 086
The sacred place belongs to ‘Chhinnmastika Devi’ i.e. the goddess without head. It is also known as the Abode of Chhinnamastika. But the most popular name is Chintpurni, which liter- ally means the deity who fulfills the desires and saves from all sorts of worries. Some parts of the holy feet of Sati are said…
Tales of Humour (PC CDROM / VCD / DVD) Buy Now: $3.95 Language: English Stories in this Multimedia Title are: A Shared Dream Duel Of Wits Fair Shair Potful Of Wisdom The Big Parcel The Greater Fool The Linguist The Man Who Brought Ill-Luck The Thousnd Coins The Signature
Please select from the following : Aartis Of Vishnu Vishnu Aarti I Vishnu Aarti II Vishnu Chaalisa Attendant Deities Of Vishnu Icons of Vishnu Mantras Of Vishnu Vishnu Mantra Text & Images Of Vishnu More Tales Of Vishnu Ten Incarnations of Vishnu Vishnu Sahasranaama
Temple Songs of Lord Jagannath On the shores of the Bay of Bengal, in the south eastern coast of India lies the holy city of Puri, the abode of Lord Jagannath. Lord Jagannnath, meaning the Lord of the World, is considered to be a form of Lord Krishna, the beloved avatar of Lord Vishnu. This…
How does one worship Shiva? How does one express one’s adoration of him, one’s fascination for all that he stands for? Ancient Shaivites laid down elaborate puja rituals in the Agama texts. These are still followed in temples across India by trained priests. I Sanskrit Wording: English Wording: Ratanae kalpit masanam Himjale sananam cha divyabaram,…
Devotion – Instrumental Temple Music In Hinduism, devotion and worship to the Almighty is not confined only to the grandiose temples but allows one free reign to connect with the Aatma (Soul), anywhere, at any time of the day, be it at home, a holy site or simply outdoors. In this album ‘Devotion’, the very…