Tales Of Birbal Comics: Inimitable Birbal
His phenomenal success made many courtiers jealous and if popular accounts are to be believed, they were ever busy plotting against him. According to legend, even his death, while he was on an expedition to Afghanistan at as the head of a large military force, was due to treachery. Though he was killed in battle, the expedition was successful and subdued the turbulent province.Akbar was so deeply moved when he heard the news of Birbal?s death, he burst forth into a couplet and lamented, ?Birbal, you never hurt the helpless. You always gave them whatever you had. I am helpless now and yet you have left nothing for me.?Akbar had found in Birbal a true friend and sympathiser. Of the handful of followers of the Din-e-Elahi, the new faith preached by Akbar, there was only one Hindu ? Birbal..
Script : Dev Nadkarni
Illustrator :Ram Waeerkar
ISBN : 81-7508-093-0

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