Laxmi Mantras

Sarvadukhaharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay

Mantramurtay Sada Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay
O Mother divine, Thou art the giver of success and intelligence. Thou art the giver of both worldly enjoyment and liberation. The mystic sound symbols-the Mantras-varily constitute Thy form. Mother auspicious, I bow to Thee always.

Yogajay Yogasambhutay Mahalakshmi Namostutay
O Mother supreme, Thou art without beginning and end. Thou art the primal Power. Thou art born of Yoga, and Thou art manifest through Yoga. O Mother auspicious, I bow to Thee.

Mahapaapharay Devi Mahalakshmi Namostutay
Thou art both gross and subtle, most terrible and powerful. Thou contains all things, Thou removes even the greatest sins. O Mother auspicious, I bow to Thee

Parmashree Jaganmatra Mahalakshmi Namostutay
Thou dwells in the hearts of devotees, Thou verily art the supreme Brahman. Thou art also the supreme sovereign and mother of the universe. O Mother auspicious, I bow to Thee
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We pray to you in benign
solemnity to bestow your blessings
and shower your wealth on us.