Hindu Fasts
Fasting controls passion, it checks the emotions and senses also. Just as impure gold is rendered pure by melting it in the crucible again and again, so also this impure mind is rendered purer by repeated fasting.
This section will present the most important fasts practised by Hindu through the ages. Read the complete introduction and description of Hindu Fasts
- The Shashti Vratas
- Pratipad Fasts
- Ekadashi Vratam
- Shivaratra Vratam
- The Kartika Vrata
- The Mashopavasha Vratam
- Chaturmasyam Fast
- Rambha Tritya Fast
- Agastyargha Fast
- Akhanda-Dvadashi-Vratams
- Ananga-Trayodashi Fasts
- The Koumuda Vrata
- The King of All Vows
- The Vow of Monthly fasting
- The Nine-Fold Propitiation
- The Vow Illuminating A Divine Edifice
- Ritu Vratas Or Season Vows
- The Monthly Vratas
- The Divasa Vratas (During Day)
- The Nakshatra Vratas
- Vratas Under Various Asterisms
- Ashok Puranima Vrata
- Shivaratri Fast
- Fourteenth Phase Fast
- Trayodashi Vratas
- The Shravana Dvadashi Vrata
- Eight Matris
- Four Vrats
- Fasts During Moon Phases
- Ninth Phase Fasts
- 10th, 11th & 12th Phase Fasts