Music Therapy Audio Titles
Overcome Depression
Overcome Depression
Harmonize the chakras with Aum Colour meditation Therapy: The Seven chakras of Kundilini Base / Root / Muladhar Chakra Sacral / Spleen / Swadhisthan Chakra Solar Plexus / Manipur Chakra Heart / Anahat Chakra Throat / Vishddha Chakra Third Eye / Ajna Chakra Crown / Sahasrar Chakra Let us think or presume or visualize the…
Mantras are the mystical formulae discovery by our ancient scientists (rishis) to invoke the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pirasant and peaseful stay on this earth. Amongst oil the mantras the gayathri mantra, which is supposed to be the discovery of the sage vishvamitra, is held high for its…
Choice of Friends How Friends are parted Minimum Order: 3 Comic Books
Krishna – The Butter Thief (PC CDROM / VCD / DVD) Buy Now: $9.95 Language: English Krishna loved butter and enjoyed it more by stealing it. The residents of Gokul happily churned out butter so that Krishna would come and steal it. This enjoyable pastime of Krishna stealing butter (Damodhar Lila) is presented in this…
Bhakti Geet A truly versatile album, which takes pride in true diversity of the various dimensions of Hindu religion, displaying it’s true colors in a shower of spiritualism. From traditional household bhajans like, Jai Jagdish Hare, Om Namah Shivay, to unique gems like Gayatri Maa, this album gives you everything in one single package. Click…
Welcome to ‘Laminated Wall Mountings/Table Top Displays‘ a rich collection of photo quality images of various Hindu deities laminated on hard board with provision for mounting (hanging) on wall / board as well as can be placed in your temple at home, or placed on table, showcase, photo frame stand, car dashboard etc.